thanks for the overview! nice one.
i got everything working, up to sending OSC from a Pd patch to the background program -
but only after referencing the logs and your subsequent answer four posts up.
is it possible, for future reference for me and my fellow nitwits, to edit your post some, and have all the relevant info in this one place?
to clarify:
giuliomoro [Service]
ExecStart=/root/Bela/projects/(NAME OF PROJECT)/(NAME OF PROJECT)
RestartSec=1 (<< no need for i think?)
WorkingDirectory=/root/Bela/projects/(OSC2OLED4Bela or NEW NAME OF PROJECT)
i realise this might all be self-explanatory to some, but it's not to everybody 🙂
giuliomoro Bela IDE console, use journacltl -n 20 -u osc2oled | cat instead)
has a typo in journalctl, which is meh if you copy/paste.
and last,
doesn't seem to work with the /***** osc2oled.service *****/ header (generated in the IDE > new file) still on line 1 of the service file. had to remove that, so [unit] was the first thing in there. again, probably obvious to someone who knows what they're doing, but might save some frustration for others.
feel free to delete this post after if needed.
and thanks for walking us through this!