- Jan 11, 2019
- Joined Aug 25, 2016
- 9 discussions
- 47 posts
I tried...
giuliomoro (after it's been rotated by 180 degrees, of course)
- Edited
updated the graphics in the original posting (up). will sent you the file offline, @giuliomoro .
is J1 (AMP-5V) also unregulated RAW_POWER! ?
- Edited
not beautiful but helpful. E.g. to print it out. I also have a pdf but the forum did not allow me to upload that.
- Edited
will try, thanks!
here's (a/the) synth I'm running (from an external sclang):
On Bela:
scsynth -t 57110 -l 64 -z 16 -J 8 -K 8 -G 16 -i 2 -o 2
scsynth -t 57110 -l 64 -z 32 -Z 32 -J 8 -K 8 -G 16 -i 2 -o 2
in sclang (on my main machine):
( g = Server(\bela, NetAddr("", 57110)); g.startAliveThread(0); g.doWhenBooted({ g.notify; g.initTree }); ) ( x = { var freq = \freq.kr(50, 0.1); var tilt = \tilt.kr(0.5); var invTilt = (1-tilt) * 2; tilt = tilt * 2; (0..15).inject(Pulse.ar(LFNoise1.ar(LFNoise1.kr(0.1).range(0.1, 2)).exprange(freq, freq + 1), 0.2) * LFNoise1.ar(Rand(0.01, 0.1)), { |in| var amp = Amplitude.ar(in, 0.1, 1); Mix([tilt * in, invTilt * [RHPF, RLPF, BPF].choose.ar(DelayL.ar(in, 0.1, 1-amp.lag(Rand(0.1, 1)) * Rand(0.005, 0.1)).tanh.neg, amp * ExpRand(2000, 4000) + 100, Rand(0.8, 1))]); }).tanh }.play(g) )
giuliomoro How would you select one or the other script?
in a perfect world, I can configure/define my script in the
file in the project and select by usingset_startup.sh -s <projectname>
(see above).Oh no! the BBB Wireless is rotated by 180ΒΊ !
http://beagleboard.org/black-wirelessI run
withscsynth -t 57110 -l 64 -z 64 -Z 64 -J 8 -K 8 -G 16 -i 2 -o 2
so far everything works well, apart from, when I create "not so much but considerable" load (equivalent of 3% on my mac), I get a fair amount of
Underrun detected: 1 blocks dropped
. Rarely2 blocks dropped
, never more than 2.
I tried to increase the HW buffer size and block size with-z
but this does not help at all. I wonder why.If, by all means, I am not able to get rid of this, doesn't the posting itself slows down the rt processing itself?
Is there a possibility to suppress the posting (I already found2> /dev/null
), already where it happens?ok, I'll try it again:
I would like to have two setups for the BELA I want to swap between.
- Script
- start scsynth with options
- start custom serial2osc script
- Script
- start scsynth with different options
- run custom OSC-sending script
My question is: How can I create two projects (as in the stuff that resides in
that contain this functionality?
Just writing something to~/Bela_startup.sh
will not work since, as I understand it,set_startup.sh -s projectname
will write straight over it.this one's cool: https://www.adafruit.com/product/987 (Stereo 3.7W Class D Audio Amplifier - MAX98306)
yepp, that's what I thought... I cannot tell about the cap without breaking one of them... which would be a shame...
but I think I'll anyhow use separate amps now, the built-in ones are quite little power...- Edited
that's the weird part about it... when I measure them (resistance), they have ininite resistance...
totally, and the scripts are awesome! but sometimes you just need something a little different... and this works for me and might be easy(ier) to understand for semi-noobs (such as myself) on how to run things remotely on the bela without diving into Makefiles
giuliomoro Not sure I understand the requirements for your script. What should it do ? Is it something you could achieve by simply editing ~/Bela_startup.sh?
I want to switch between projects with
make --no-print-directory -C /root/Bela PROJECT=$BBB_PROJECT_NAME startup
set_startup.sh -s projectname