giuliomoro So, I've found a microphone with 2.2k Ohm impedance. So if I understood right this is fine, since the bela's inputs have 20k impedance which is way higher than 2.2k? Or is it the other way around?
Input/Output amount, Compatibility
that should be fine. Does it mention the minimum load impedance?
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giuliomoro Not that I can find, no -in fact it only says "Impedance: 2.2k" and "Power: 3v" aside from the sensitivity and the frequency response range
it's going to be fine.
giuliomoro So if I plug in microphone's jack outputs to the bela I must also add an external resistor (if the microphone requires phantom power)? If so, how?
For speakers, I'm assuming the bela can't supply their power, is this correct?
Is there a recommended resistance for speakers (should it be as low/high as possible, or close to a certain value?)?
Thanks again!
ZeroZ30o So if I plug in microphone's jack outputs to the bela I must also add an external resistor (if the microphone requires phantom power)? If so, how?
Yes, to provide plug-in power (not phantom). How you fit it depends on your configuration. It could involve a bit of (careful!) soldering on the Bela cape.
ZeroZ30o For speakers, I'm assuming the bela can't supply their power, is this correct? Is there a recommended resistance for speakers (should it be as low/high as possible, or close to a certain value?)?
You can drive passive 8ohm(no lower than 8ohm) speakers directly from the on-board amplifiers, which can provide 1.1W(max 1.1W) (though these will only work if Bela is powered through the barrel jack). If you need different/more powerful speakers, they will have to be externally powered.
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giuliomoro So regarding the microphone, which specifies that it is "plug and play, no need for an external power source", do I need to worry about anything extra?
The impedance and voltage are also mentioned: 2.2Ohm and 3V. Nothing else.
Knowing all that, if I only connect these microphones to the bela, will it be able to handle them correctly? If so, how many?
After that I should be set for hardware specs since I'm already set for speakers. Thanks again by the way.
ZeroZ30o do I need to worry about anything extra?
by the sound of it, they should be fine, but I cannot be sure if I don't see the datasheet.
ZeroZ30o 2.2Ohm
That is probably 2.2k ohm?
ZeroZ30o 3V.
That is weird, what is that meant to be?
Can you send a link to the microphone page?
ZeroZ30o If so, how many?
There are two audio inputs, so two microphones, I suppose.
giuliomoro You can drive passive 8ohm(no lower than 8ohm) speakers directly from the on-board amplifiers, which can provide 1.1W(max 1.1W) (though these will only work if Bela is powered through the barrel jack).
Forgot to mention: this powered output is only available on Bela (not Bela Mini)
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giuliomoro Here is the "datasheet", that is all the info available on amazon's description of the microphone: (it's in French though)
The microphone itself is called "XIAOKOA PC condenser microphone"
Thanks for the rest though
Yes it will be fine. Use a 3k3 resistor from 3.3V (pin P9_03) to the input your mic is connected to.
giuliomoro I don't have the bela yet, and I'm not very familiar with how the jack-to-whatever cable looks so I'll have to ask for either pictures or again when I do have it
Sure, I can send some pictures when the time comes. You will need to buy a 3k3 resistor (they typically are very cheap, for instance you can get 100 for less than 1£ here ).
giuliomoro I want to connect loudspeakers to the Beast. The loudspeaker outputs on the starter kit work fine into my 16Ohm speaker - would their circuits be available or might you have a recommendation for a similar speaker amplifier that would run off 5V?
Hmmm maybe this is not the best thread for this. See relevant details about your issue here .