- Edited
I've read the FAQ and found technical information about inputs and all that, however since it's pretty confusing and scattered around, I'd like to make sure I'm not getting it wrong:
How many jack inputs can the bela have, and how many jack outputs can it have (simultaneously?).
Does the amount of inputs affect the sample rate? Do the outputs matter in this also for some reason? If yes, please specify to what extent.
Edit: specifically, for a 44.1k sample rate since it's the most common. Also, how many cables would I need (jack to whatever the bela uses)?
Edit: Do I need some outside power for the microphones / speakers. I know the Bela has (2?) built-in amps for the speakers, yet being a newbie in audio hardware I'd like to know the exact optimal setup. (and what the heck is the phantom power term everyone is throwing around?)
Does it still have hdmi out cable support? If not, how is debugging / development handled (for both OS installation and programming the controller)?
Ethernet cable support?
What is the usual latency of the bela if the input is directly buffered into the output without any calculations?
How is the bela powered when not connected to the computer?
What cable is necessary to connect it to a computer?
Am I able to include "standard" c++ libraries (like <chrono>, <functional>, <atomic>, <thread>...)?
Addtionally, I'm looking to use the bela due to its multiple inputs/outputs capability and its very low latency, it is for a school engineering project, so if you think there is anything I should know regarding this topic, please add it.
Thank you!