I'm not sure how/where to change the code of the ultrasonic distance example to work for digital output 8 and digital in 14. I need to use a digital out because it's a bela mini. I think I connected everything right. but not sure how to code and be able to read it in pure data. Any pointers? thanks

I just updated the example to work with Bela Mini, but I don't have a sensor to test it with. Can you try it out?


Note that you need a resistor divider to go into Bela's digital inputs, as explained in the description.

As for using it with Pd, have a look here. But first please test the C++ example I made above for you!

  • tkay replied to this.

    giuliomoro Ok will do. Since I want to use d8 as output and d15 as input I would just have to put those numbers instead of 0 and 1? Can I just copy and paste the code in the ide? or should I drag the edited file?

    Well i don't see anything in the scope but don't really know what I should be looking for.

    The scope should show the response from the ECHO pin (a brief pulse) and a scaled version of the distance. Did you connect the ECHO pin of the module via a resistor divider? What resistor values did you use for that? This wiring diagram was made for a Bela (not BelaMini) but it should be clear how the resistor divider should be wired.

    @Tractor could you please try the example linked above (which uses a digital out for the TRIG out instead of analog as you may've been using so far(?)) and see if it works for you?

    Yes! I see something in the scope red vertical line that moves from left to right. Although doesn't seem to be affeted by my proximity to the sensor

      tkay I see something in the scope red vertical line that moves from left to right.

      The red line is the signal from the echo pin. Seeing it is a good thing: it means it's being received. It's position in the screen is pretty much random and shouldn't matter much. There should also be a blue line there (although you may not see it if it's at exactly 0): does it move with distance?

      Also, the console in the main IDE tab should print several times per second. What does it print?

      It doesn't print anything...I have been trying with a 4.7k resistor b/c I don't have 2.2k would that make it not work?

      Once I changed resistor values it started printing something other than zeroes. I used 47 for resistor 1 and 100 for resistor 2 is this not enough division to protect the bela? Would 1k and 2.2 be the ideal set? or 100k and 220 be the same effect? It printed the values shown in the image. The scope shows red lines but no blue ones. is there something missing? could I do a custom render to use this input in Pure Data from a receive object?

      alt text

        tkay g. I used 47 for resistor 1 and 100 for resistor 2 is this not enough division to protect the bela? Would 1k and 2.2 be the ideal set? o

        the division is enough but you are drawing a lot of current for no good reason. See here for recommendations on resistos: https://forum.bela.io/d/1598-fritzing-diagram-for-hc-sr04-to-bela/4 . The ratio is important, but also the minimum value.

        tkay The scope shows red lines but no blue ones. i

        The blue line will display a distance of up to 100cm by default. To see more than that you need to change the scale of the corresponding signal in the scope options or change the /100 in:

        		scope.log(digitalRead(context, n, gEchoDigitalInPin) * 0.5, distance/100);
        10 days later

        Awesome, the sensor is working great now. With the last edit you did. Thanks for that. Now, is there a way to get these readings with this code in a PD via a custom render ? I imagine somebody has done it before?

        the file that you referred to as

        brings up with a bunch of errors despite that I believe it's configured the way I need( d0 d1 output input although it also uses d2 and d3 )I would need to deactivate those so that I can use for other purposes. any reason this one you believe why this one is not working here is the full error messages:

        In file ./include/legacy/UdpServer.h: [warning] You included file UdpServer.h. This is now deprecated. You should instead use #include <libraries/UdpServer/UdpServer.h> [-W#warnings] column: 2, line: 2
        In file ./include/legacy/Midi.h: [warning] You included file Midi.h. This is now deprecated. You should instead use #include <libraries/Midi/Midi.h> [-W#warnings] column: 2, line: 2
        In file ./include/legacy/Scope.h: [warning] You included file Scope.h. This is now deprecated. You should instead use #include <libraries/Scope/Scope.h> [-W#warnings] column: 2, line: 2
        In file ./include/legacy/PulseIn.h: [warning] You included file PulseIn.h. This is now deprecated. You should instead use #include <libraries/PulseIn/PulseIn.h> [-W#warnings] column: 2, line: 2
        no member named 'init' in 'PulseIn' column: 13, line: 317
        no member named 'init' in 'PulseIn' column: 14, line: 319
        In file included from /root/Bela/projects/pd3/render.cpp:15:
        ./include/legacy/UdpServer.h:2:2: warning: You included file UdpServer.h. This is now deprecated. You should instead use #include <libraries/UdpServer/UdpServer.h> [-W#warnings]
        #warning You included file UdpServer.h. This is now deprecated. You should instead use #include <libraries/UdpServer/UdpServer.h>
        In file included from /root/Bela/projects/pd3/render.cpp:16:
        ./include/legacy/Midi.h:2:2: warning: You included file Midi.h. This is now deprecated. You should instead use #include <libraries/Midi/Midi.h> [-W#warnings]
        #warning You included file Midi.h. This is now deprecated. You should instead use #include <libraries/Midi/Midi.h>
        In file included from /root/Bela/projects/pd3/render.cpp:17:
        ./include/legacy/Scope.h:2:2: warning: You included file Scope.h. This is now deprecated. You should instead use #include <libraries/Scope/Scope.h> [-W#warnings]
        #warning You included file Scope.h. This is now deprecated. You should instead use #include <libraries/Scope/Scope.h>
        In file included from /root/Bela/projects/pd3/render.cpp:22:
        ./include/legacy/PulseIn.h:2:2: warning: You included file PulseIn.h. This is now deprecated. You should instead use #include <libraries/PulseIn/PulseIn.h> [-W#warnings]
        #warning You included file PulseIn.h. This is now deprecated. You should instead use #include <libraries/PulseIn/PulseIn.h>
        4 warnings generated.
        /root/Bela/projects/pd3/render.cpp:317:13: error: no member named 'init' in 'PulseIn'
        pulseIn.init(context, gEchoDigitalInPin, HIGH);

        /root/Bela/projects/pd3/render.cpp:319:14: error: no member named 'init' in 'PulseIn'
            pulseIn2.init(context, gEchoDigitalInPin2, HIGH);
            ~~~~~~~~ ^
        2 errors generated.
        make: *** [/root/Bela/projects/pd3/build/render.o] Error 1

        Use this one instead.
        Follow instructions to enable analog out instead of digital out if you so wish

        (also note the receiver name is now distance (not distance1))

        • tkay replied to this.

          Awesome, thanks so much. Works beautifuly much better than the pd only methods.