- Edited
OK. I copied render.cpp to the IDE and set the cmd line parameters. Result:
Building render.cpp...
Makefile:411: recipe for target '/root/Bela/projects/faust/build/render.o' failed
Build finished
variable type 'BelaUI' is an abstract class column: 8, line: 310
which is
dsp* fDSP;
BelaUI fUI;
bela_midi fMIDI;
MidiUI* fMidiUI;
/usr/local/include/faust/gui/UI.h:71:22: note: unimplemented pure virtual method 'addSoundfile' in 'BelaUI'
virtual void addSoundfile(const char* label, const char* filename, Soundfile** sf_zone) = 0;
seems the code was too old to be compiled. Got the latest bela.cpp from git and now, this results:
/**************************BEGIN USER SECTION **************************/
/***************************END USER SECTION ***************************/
/*******************BEGIN ARCHITECTURE SECTION (part 2/2)***************/
std::list<GUI*> GUI::fGuiList;
ztimedmap GUI::gTimedZoneMap;
Bela render.cpp that calls FAUST generated code
unsigned int gNumBuffers = 0; // the number of de-interleaved buffers for audio and analog i/o
FAUSTFLOAT *gInputBuffers = NULL, *gOutputBuffers = NULL; //de-interleaved input/output buffers for the audio and analog inputs
FAUSTFLOAT* gFaustIns[10]; // array of pointers to gInputBuffer data
FAUSTFLOAT* gFaustOuts[10]; // array of pointers to gOutputBuffers data
mydsp fDSP;
Any idea, what's missing (sorry, I have no idea about faust infrastructure, because I can't get it to work neither offline or online).