giuliomoro I don't understand exactly what happened. Is the final outcome that in order for the line out to work properly you need both one ground connected for power (P2_16?) and another ground (from the audio jack) connected for the signal, at which point you get the whistling? And if you have only one of the two, it doesn't work?
no, I get whistling , if I connect
the AEM GND (on ribbon) to both Sys GND (p2 16) and Audio DC GND (on the 3 pins mentioned above)
however, if I then connect a cable from belas audio jack to aem audio jack the whistling goes.
I thought about this later...
given that the AEM modules only have the ribbon GND, and they don't have any noise - surely this ground cannot be the issue.
Im thinking perhaps the problem is on the bela/bbb end...
is the issue that I'm essentially connecting sys GND (p2_16) to the audio DC gnd... and there is then some how noise coming thru the sys gnd?
though im not sure why then connecting the 2 audio jacks would then 'stabilise' it!?!
(all this is guess work on my part, just based on shady memories about talk of now wanting to mix 'ground references' and ground used for power... but perhaps thats misremembered )
giuliomoro you may want to wire up a passive resistor divider with ratio ~4.096/5 and a decently high input impedance (>80k ?), so to get the full 5V range on your inputs, without a "dead end". You could similarly use a resistor divider with ratio ~3.3/5 to safely connect a 5V (max!!!!) trigger to the PocketBeagle's digital inputs.
thanks, sounds like a good plan