- Yesss, my Bela Mini got delivered yesterday!! *
For a few years now I have been working with Arduino and Frankenscripts (copy pasted and sewn together) that do what I want.
Linux user, poor coder..
I dipped my toes into Pure Data more than ten years ago and I need a hand to link the physical computing universe of Bela to the existing knowledge I have. Brain hurts. Need Forum oil/boost/mushroom..
Current simple wish:
- pushbutton0 on digitalIn3 records sound from the microphone plugged into the line in
- pushbutton2 on digitalIn4 stops recording
- pushbutton3 on digitalIn5 plays sound
I have a Pure Data Patch that works on my computer, with keys from the keyboard.
Here: https://cloud.constantvzw.org/s/EcsZzoNte8k54xQ
I want to replace these keys with pushbuttons & Bela - but I have a hard time figuring out what the Patch needs (have read the Pure Data Digital and Getting Started multiple times).
- For example, I try to make the link with Arduino's baud rate - and Pd's message rate or signal rate - but i don't understand it.
- do you need to declare you digital ins? what exactly is necessary?
- how do you boost the line in signal of the line in - by multiplying it?
[*~ 5]
- If I understand it correctly, if your patch has no subpatches, it should be called _main.pd and uploaded and compiled to Bela
Confused beginner's questions..