• Gliss
  • linear/exponential option

even if I have the module disconnected it asks me to choose between the two supposed devices...

I checked what my computer recognizes and it seems to recognize the controller but it says its not available

The selected device does not have any USB DFU interfaces.

None of those device names sounds right. I would assume the usb cable - or the socket - failed. Do you have a different cable to try?

I've tried different cables and different sockets, I have two cables that are basically new, and three USB sockets in my computer.

I've used one of these cables to update three gliss (one of those is the one we're trying to reanimate) a couple weeks ago with no issues.

It may be something wrong with the USB on the Gliss then, email me to have it replaced.

22 days later

Pricto No, when I give it power the only thing that lits is the white led in the back.

Looking at your unit that I received, it actually blinks green when powering it in. Just a brief blink. That means something was wrong with the firmware I gave you. Knowing that, we could have troubleshooted that remotely. I will send you new firmware in the next couple of weeks but I'll have to test it first this time :-)

Hello Giulio,

Yes it made a very fast green light when conecting it, sorry, I thought it didn't matter because it stayed unlit immediately after plugling it in.

Ok, I'll try the new code. Thank you!

2 months later