giuliomoro I meant exactly: are you still sending to it from the other thread (that is, readMPR121()).
There are three instances for readMPR121() - I see no doubles
For documentation::

-- line 77 says --internal stuff -- do not change

// ---- internal stuff -- do not change -----

I2C_MPR121 mpr121;			// Object to handle MPR121 sensing
AuxiliaryTask i2cTask;		// Auxiliary task to read I2C

int readCount = 0;			// How long until we read again...
int readIntervalSamples = 0; // How many samples between reads

void readMPR121(void*);


-- line 389 - To have the data via i2c

	i2cTask = Bela_createAuxiliaryTask(readMPR121, 50, "bela-mpr121");

-- line 776 - to connect NUM_TOUCH_PINS to sensorValue - so Pure Data can receive these values

void readMPR121(void*)
    for(int i = 0; i < NUM_TOUCH_PINS; i++) {
        sensorValue[i] = -(mpr121.filteredData(i) - mpr121.baselineData(i));
        sensorValue[i] -= threshold;
        if(sensorValue[i] < 0)
            sensorValue[i] = 0;

-- Full render.cpp as it is now

 ____  _____ _        _    
| __ )| ____| |      / \   
| _ \| _| | | / _ \
| |_) | |___| |___ / ___ \ |____/|_____|_____/_/ \_\ The platform for ultra-low latency audio and sensor processing A project of the Augmented Instruments Laboratory within the Centre for Digital Music at Queen Mary University of London. (c) 2016 Augmented Instruments Laboratory: Andrew McPherson, Astrid Bin, Liam Donovan, Christian Heinrichs, Robert Jack, Giulio Moro, Laurel Pardue, Victor Zappi. All rights reserved. The Bela software is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL 3.0), available here: */ /* * USING A CUSTOM RENDER.CPP FILE FOR PUREDATA PATCHES - LIBPD * =========================================================== * || || * || OPEN THE ENCLOSED _main.pd PATCH FOR MORE INFORMATION || * || ----------------------------------------------------- || * =========================================================== */ #include <Bela.h> #include <DigitalChannelManager.h> #include <cmath> #include <stdio.h> #include <libpd/z_libpd.h> extern "C" { #include <libpd/s_stuff.h> }; #include <UdpServer.h> #include <Midi.h> #include <Scope.h> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include "I2C_MPR121.h" void Bela_userSettings(BelaInitSettings *settings) { settings->uniformSampleRate = 1; settings->interleave = 0; settings->analogOutputsPersist = 0; } /* * MODIFICATION * ------------ * MPR121 Stuff */ // How many pins there are #define NUM_TOUCH_PINS 12 // Define this to print data to terminal - function prints data from sensor #define DEBUG_MPR121 // Change this to change how often the MPR121 is read (in Hz) int readInterval = 50; // Change this threshold to set the minimum amount of touch int threshold = 40; // This array holds the continuous sensor values int sensorValue[NUM_TOUCH_PINS]; // ---- internal stuff -- do not change ----- I2C_MPR121 mpr121; // Object to handle MPR121 sensing AuxiliaryTask i2cTask; // Auxiliary task to read I2C int readCount = 0; // How long until we read again... int readIntervalSamples = 0; // How many samples between reads void readMPR121(void*); /*********/ float* gInBuf; float* gOutBuf; #define PARSE_MIDI static std::vector<Midi*> midi; std::vector<std::string> gMidiPortNames; void dumpMidi() { if(midi.size() == 0) { printf("No MIDI device enabled\n"); return; } printf("The following MIDI devices are enabled:\n"); printf("%4s%20s %3s %3s %s\n", "Num", "Name", "In", "Out", "Pd channels" ); for(unsigned int n = 0; n < midi.size(); ++n) { printf("[%2d]%20s %3s %3s (%d-%d)\n", n, gMidiPortNames[n].c_str(), midi[n]->isInputEnabled() ? "x" : "_", midi[n]->isOutputEnabled() ? "x" : "_", n * 16 + 1, n * 16 + 16 ); } } Midi* openMidiDevice(std::string name, bool verboseSuccess = false, bool verboseError = false) { Midi* newMidi; newMidi = new Midi(); newMidi->readFrom(name.c_str()); newMidi->writeTo(name.c_str()); #ifdef PARSE_MIDI newMidi->enableParser(true); #else newMidi->enableParser(false); #endif /* PARSE_MIDI */ if(newMidi->isOutputEnabled()) { if(verboseSuccess) printf("Opened MIDI device %s as output\n", name.c_str()); } if(newMidi->isInputEnabled()) { if(verboseSuccess) printf("Opened MIDI device %s as input\n", name.c_str()); } if(!newMidi->isInputEnabled() && !newMidi->isOutputEnabled()) { if(verboseError) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open MIDI device %s\n", name.c_str()); return nullptr; } else { return newMidi; } } static unsigned int getPortChannel(int* channel){ unsigned int port = 0; while(*channel > 16){ *channel -= 16; port += 1; } if(port >= midi.size()){ // if the port number exceeds the number of ports available, send out // of the first port rt_fprintf(stderr, "Port out of range, using port 0 instead\n"); port = 0; } return port; } void Bela_MidiOutNoteOn(int channel, int pitch, int velocity) { int port = getPortChannel(&channel); rt_printf("noteout _ port: %d, channel: %d, pitch: %d, velocity %d\n", port, channel, pitch, velocity); midi[port]->writeNoteOn(channel, pitch, velocity); } void Bela_MidiOutControlChange(int channel, int controller, int value) { int port = getPortChannel(&channel); rt_printf("ctlout _ port: %d, channel: %d, controller: %d, value: %d\n", port, channel, controller, value); midi[port]->writeControlChange(channel, controller, value); } void Bela_MidiOutProgramChange(int channel, int program) { int port = getPortChannel(&channel); rt_printf("pgmout _ port: %d, channel: %d, program: %d\n", port, channel, program); midi[port]->writeProgramChange(channel, program); } void Bela_MidiOutPitchBend(int channel, int value) { int port = getPortChannel(&channel); rt_printf("bendout _ port: %d, channel: %d, value: %d\n", port, channel, value); midi[port]->writePitchBend(channel, value); } void Bela_MidiOutAftertouch(int channel, int pressure){ int port = getPortChannel(&channel); rt_printf("touchout _ port: %d, channel: %d, pressure: %d\n", port, channel, pressure); midi[port]->writeChannelPressure(channel, pressure); } void Bela_MidiOutPolyAftertouch(int channel, int pitch, int pressure){ int port = getPortChannel(&channel); rt_printf("polytouchout _ port: %d, channel: %d, pitch: %d, pressure: %d\n", port, channel, pitch, pressure); midi[port]->writePolyphonicKeyPressure(channel, pitch, pressure); } void Bela_MidiOutByte(int port, int byte){ rt_printf("port: %d, byte: %d\n", port, byte); if(port > (int)midi.size()){ // if the port is out of range, redirect to the first port. rt_fprintf(stderr, "Port out of range, using port 0 instead\n"); port = 0; } midi[port]->writeOutput(byte); } void Bela_printHook(const char *received){ rt_printf("%s", received); } static DigitalChannelManager dcm; void sendDigitalMessage(bool state, unsigned int delay, void* receiverName){ libpd_float((char*)receiverName, (float)state); // rt_printf("%s: %d\n", (char*)receiverName, state); } #define LIBPD_DIGITAL_OFFSET 11 // digitals are preceded by 2 audio and 8 analogs (even if using a different number of analogs) void Bela_messageHook(const char *source, const char *symbol, int argc, t_atom *argv){ if(strcmp(source, "bela_setMidi") == 0){ int num[3] = {0, 0, 0}; for(int n = 0; n < argc && n < 3; ++n) { if(!libpd_is_float(&argv[n])) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong format for Bela_setMidi, expected:[hw 1 0 0("); return; } num[n] = libpd_get_float(&argv[n]); } std::ostringstream deviceName; deviceName << symbol << ":" << num[0] << "," << num[1] << "," << num[2]; printf("Adding Midi device: %s\n", deviceName.str().c_str()); Midi* newMidi = openMidiDevice(deviceName.str(), false, true); if(newMidi) { midi.push_back(newMidi); gMidiPortNames.push_back(deviceName.str()); } dumpMidi(); return; } if(strcmp(source, "bela_setDigital") == 0){ // symbol is the direction, argv[0] is the channel, argv[1] (optional) // is signal("sig" or "~") or message("message", default) rate bool isMessageRate = true; // defaults to message rate bool direction = 0; // initialize it just to avoid the compiler's warning bool disable = false; if(strcmp(symbol, "in") == 0){ direction = INPUT; } else if(strcmp(symbol, "out") == 0){ direction = OUTPUT; } else if(strcmp(symbol, "disable") == 0){ disable = true; } else { return; } if(argc == 0){ return; } else if (libpd_is_float(&argv[0]) == false){ return; } int channel = libpd_get_float(&argv[0]) - LIBPD_DIGITAL_OFFSET; if(disable == true){ dcm.unmanage(channel); return; } if(argc >= 2){ t_atom* a = &argv[1]; if(libpd_is_symbol(a)){ char *s = libpd_get_symbol(a); if(strcmp(s, "~") == 0 || strncmp(s, "sig", 3) == 0){ isMessageRate = false; } } } dcm.manage(channel, direction, isMessageRate); return; } } void Bela_floatHook(const char *source, float value){ /* * MODIFICATION * ------------ * Empty */ /*********/ // let's make this as optimized as possible for built-in digital Out parsing // the built-in digital receivers are of the form "bela_digitalOutXX" where XX is between 11 and 26 static int prefixLength = 15; // strlen("bela_digitalOut") if(strncmp(source, "bela_digitalOut", prefixLength)==0){ if(source[prefixLength] != 0){ //the two ifs are used instead of if(strlen(source) >= prefixLength+2) if(source[prefixLength + 1] != 0){ // quickly convert the suffix to integer, assuming they are numbers, avoiding to call atoi int receiver = ((source[prefixLength] - 48) * 10); receiver += (source[prefixLength+1] - 48); unsigned int channel = receiver - 11; // go back to the actual Bela digital channel number if(channel < 16){ //16 is the hardcoded value for the number of digital channels dcm.setValue(channel, value); } } } } } char receiverNames[16][21]={ {"bela_digitalIn11"},{"bela_digitalIn12"},{"bela_digitalIn13"},{"bela_digitalIn14"},{"bela_digitalIn15"}, {"bela_digitalIn16"},{"bela_digitalIn17"},{"bela_digitalIn18"},{"bela_digitalIn19"},{"bela_digitalIn20"}, {"bela_digitalIn21"},{"bela_digitalIn22"},{"bela_digitalIn23"},{"bela_digitalIn24"},{"bela_digitalIn25"}, {"bela_digitalIn26"} }; static unsigned int gAnalogChannelsInUse; static unsigned int gLibpdBlockSize; // 2 audio + (up to)8 analog + (up to) 16 digital + 4 scope outputs static const unsigned int gChannelsInUse = 30; //static const unsigned int gFirstAudioChannel = 0; static const unsigned int gFirstAnalogInChannel = 2; static const unsigned int gFirstAnalogOutChannel = 2; static const unsigned int gFirstDigitalChannel = 10; static const unsigned int gFirstScopeChannel = 26; static char multiplexerArray[] = {"bela_multiplexer"}; static int multiplexerArraySize = 0; static bool pdMultiplexerActive = false; #ifdef PD_THREADED_IO void fdLoop(void* arg){ t_pdinstance* pd_that = (t_pdinstance*)arg; while(!gShouldStop){ sys_doio(pd_that); usleep(3000); } } #endif /* PD_THREADED_IO */ Scope scope; unsigned int gScopeChannelsInUse = 4; float* gScopeOut; void* gPatch; bool gDigitalEnabled = 0; bool setup(BelaContext *context, void *userData) { // Check Pd's version int major, minor, bugfix; sys_getversion(&major, &minor, &bugfix); printf("Running Pd %d.%d-%d\n", major, minor, bugfix); // We requested in Bela_userSettings() to have uniform sampling rate for audio // and analog and non-interleaved buffers. // So let's check this actually happened if(context->analogSampleRate != context->audioSampleRate) { fprintf(stderr, "The sample rate of analog and audio must match. Try running with --uniform-sample-rate\n"); return false; } if(context->flags & BELA_FLAG_INTERLEAVED) { fprintf(stderr, "The audio and analog channels must be interleaved.\n"); return false; } if(context->digitalFrames > 0 && context->digitalChannels > 0) gDigitalEnabled = 1; /* * MODIFICATION * ------------ * MPR121 Stuff */ if(!mpr121.begin(1, 0x5A)) { rt_printf("Error initialising MPR121\n"); return false; } i2cTask = Bela_createAuxiliaryTask(readMPR121, 50, "bela-mpr121"); readIntervalSamples = context->audioSampleRate / readInterval; /*********/ // add here other devices you need gMidiPortNames.push_back("hw:1,0,0"); //gMidiPortNames.push_back("hw:0,0,0"); //gMidiPortNames.push_back("hw:1,0,1"); scope.setup(gScopeChannelsInUse, context->audioSampleRate); gScopeOut = new float[gScopeChannelsInUse]; // Check first of all if the patch file exists. Will actually open it later. char file[] = "_main.pd"; char folder[] = "./"; unsigned int strSize = strlen(file) + strlen(folder) + 1; char* str = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strSize); snprintf(str, strSize, "%s%s", folder, file); if(access(str, F_OK) == -1 ) { printf("Error file %s/%s not found. The %s file should be your main patch.\n", folder, file, file); return false; } free(str); if(context->analogInChannels > 8 || context->analogOutChannels > 8) { fprintf(stderr, "This project can run with a maximum of 8 analog channels\n"); // change LIBPD_DIGITAL_OFFSET if you want more return false; } // analog setup gAnalogChannelsInUse = context->analogInChannels; // digital setup if(gDigitalEnabled) { dcm.setCallback(sendDigitalMessage); if(context->digitalChannels > 0){ for(unsigned int ch = 0; ch < context->digitalChannels; ++ch){ dcm.setCallbackArgument(ch, receiverNames[ch]); } } } for(unsigned int n = 0; n < gMidiPortNames.size(); ++n) { } unsigned int n = 0; while(n < gMidiPortNames.size()) { Midi* newMidi = openMidiDevice(gMidiPortNames[n], false, false); if(newMidi) { midi.push_back(newMidi); ++n; } else { gMidiPortNames.erase(gMidiPortNames.begin() + n); } } dumpMidi(); // check that we are not running with a blocksize smaller than gLibPdBlockSize gLibpdBlockSize = libpd_blocksize(); if(context->audioFrames < gLibpdBlockSize){ fprintf(stderr, "Error: minimum block size must be %d\n", gLibpdBlockSize); return false; } // set hooks before calling libpd_init libpd_set_printhook(Bela_printHook); libpd_set_floathook(Bela_floatHook); libpd_set_messagehook(Bela_messageHook); libpd_set_noteonhook(Bela_MidiOutNoteOn); libpd_set_controlchangehook(Bela_MidiOutControlChange); libpd_set_programchangehook(Bela_MidiOutProgramChange); libpd_set_pitchbendhook(Bela_MidiOutPitchBend); libpd_set_aftertouchhook(Bela_MidiOutAftertouch); libpd_set_polyaftertouchhook(Bela_MidiOutPolyAftertouch); libpd_set_midibytehook(Bela_MidiOutByte); //initialize libpd. This clears the search path libpd_init(); //Add the current folder to the search path for externals libpd_add_to_search_path("."); libpd_add_to_search_path("../pd-externals"); libpd_init_audio(gChannelsInUse, gChannelsInUse, context->audioSampleRate); gInBuf = get_sys_soundin(); gOutBuf = get_sys_soundout(); // Bind your receivers here libpd_bind("bela_digitalOut11"); libpd_bind("bela_digitalOut12"); libpd_bind("bela_digitalOut13"); libpd_bind("bela_digitalOut14"); libpd_bind("bela_digitalOut15"); libpd_bind("bela_digitalOut16"); libpd_bind("bela_digitalOut17"); libpd_bind("bela_digitalOut18"); libpd_bind("bela_digitalOut19"); libpd_bind("bela_digitalOut20"); libpd_bind("bela_digitalOut21"); libpd_bind("bela_digitalOut22"); libpd_bind("bela_digitalOut23"); libpd_bind("bela_digitalOut24"); libpd_bind("bela_digitalOut25"); libpd_bind("bela_digitalOut26"); libpd_bind("bela_setDigital"); libpd_bind("bela_setMidi"); /* * MODIFICATION * ------------ * Empty */ /*********/ // open patch: gPatch = libpd_openfile(file, folder); if(gPatch == NULL){ printf("Error: file %s/%s is corrupted.\n", folder, file); return false; } // If the user wants to use the multiplexer capelet, // the patch will have to contain an array called "bela_multiplexer" // and a receiver [r bela_multiplexerChannels] if(context->multiplexerChannels > 0 && libpd_arraysize(multiplexerArray) >= 0){ pdMultiplexerActive = true; multiplexerArraySize = context->multiplexerChannels * context->analogInChannels; // [; bela_multiplexer ` multiplexerArraySize` resize( libpd_start_message(1); libpd_add_float(multiplexerArraySize); libpd_finish_message(multiplexerArray, "resize"); // [; bela_multiplexerChannels `context->multiplexerChannels`( libpd_float("bela_multiplexerChannels", context->multiplexerChannels); } // Tell Pd that we will manage the io loop, // and we do so in an Auxiliary Task #ifdef PD_THREADED_IO sys_dontmanageio(1); AuxiliaryTask fdTask; fdTask = Bela_createAuxiliaryTask(fdLoop, 50, "libpd-fdTask", (void*)pd_this); Bela_scheduleAuxiliaryTask(fdTask); #endif /* PD_THREADED_IO */ return true; } void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData) { int num; libpd_start_message(8); for(int n = 0; n < 8; ++n) libpd_add_float(sensorValue[n]); libpd_finish_list("sensorValue"); #ifdef PARSE_MIDI for(unsigned int port = 0; port < midi.size(); ++port){ while((num = midi[port]->getParser()->numAvailableMessages()) > 0){ static MidiChannelMessage message; message = midi[port]->getParser()->getNextChannelMessage(); rt_printf("On port %d (%s): ", port, gMidiPortNames[port].c_str()); message.prettyPrint(); // use this to print beautified message (channel, data bytes) switch(message.getType()){ case kmmNoteOn: { int noteNumber = message.getDataByte(0); int velocity = message.getDataByte(1); int channel = message.getChannel(); libpd_noteon(channel + port * 16, noteNumber, velocity); break; } case kmmNoteOff: { /* PureData does not seem to handle noteoff messages as per the MIDI specs, * so that the noteoff velocity is ignored. Here we convert them to noteon * with a velocity of 0. */ int noteNumber = message.getDataByte(0); // int velocity = message.getDataByte(1); // would be ignored by Pd int channel = message.getChannel(); libpd_noteon(channel + port * 16, noteNumber, 0); break; } case kmmControlChange: { int channel = message.getChannel(); int controller = message.getDataByte(0); int value = message.getDataByte(1); libpd_controlchange(channel + port * 16, controller, value); break; } case kmmProgramChange: { int channel = message.getChannel(); int program = message.getDataByte(0); libpd_programchange(channel + port * 16, program); break; } case kmmPolyphonicKeyPressure: { int channel = message.getChannel(); int pitch = message.getDataByte(0); int value = message.getDataByte(1); libpd_polyaftertouch(channel + port * 16, pitch, value); break; } case kmmChannelPressure: { int channel = message.getChannel(); int value = message.getDataByte(0); libpd_aftertouch(channel + port * 16, value); break; } case kmmPitchBend: { int channel = message.getChannel(); int value = ((message.getDataByte(1) << 7)| message.getDataByte(0)) - 8192; libpd_pitchbend(channel + port * 16, value); break; } case kmmSystem: // currently Bela only handles sysrealtime, and it does so pretending it is a channel message with no data bytes, so we have to re-assemble the status byte { int channel = message.getChannel(); int status = message.getStatusByte(); int byte = channel | status; libpd_sysrealtime(port, byte); break; } case kmmNone: case kmmAny: break; } } } #else int input; for(unsigned int port = 0; port < NUM_MIDI_PORTS; ++port){ while((input = midi[port].getInput()) >= 0){ libpd_midibyte(port, input); } } #endif /* PARSE_MIDI */ unsigned int numberOfPdBlocksToProcess = context->audioFrames / gLibpdBlockSize; // Remember: we have non-interleaved buffers and the same sampling rate for // analogs, audio and digitals for(unsigned int tick = 0; tick < numberOfPdBlocksToProcess; ++tick) { //audio input for(int n = 0; n < context->audioInChannels; ++n) { memcpy( gInBuf + n * gLibpdBlockSize, context->audioIn + tick * gLibpdBlockSize + n * context->audioFrames, sizeof(context->audioIn[0]) * gLibpdBlockSize ); } // analog input for(int n = 0; n < context->analogInChannels; ++n) { memcpy( gInBuf + gLibpdBlockSize * gFirstAnalogInChannel + n * gLibpdBlockSize, context->analogIn + tick * gLibpdBlockSize + n * context->analogFrames, sizeof(context->analogIn[0]) * gLibpdBlockSize ); } // multiplexed analog input if(pdMultiplexerActive) { // we do not disable regular analog inputs if muxer is active, because user may have bridged them on the board and // they may be using half of them at a high sampling-rate static int lastMuxerUpdate = 0; if(++lastMuxerUpdate == multiplexerArraySize){ lastMuxerUpdate = 0; libpd_write_array(multiplexerArray, 0, (float *const)context->multiplexerAnalogIn, multiplexerArraySize); } } unsigned int digitalFrameBase = gLibpdBlockSize * tick; unsigned int j; unsigned int k; float* p0; float* p1; // digital input if(gDigitalEnabled) { // digital in at message-rate dcm.processInput(&context->digital[digitalFrameBase], gLibpdBlockSize); // digital in at signal-rate for (j = 0, p0 = gInBuf; j < gLibpdBlockSize; j++, p0++) { unsigned int digitalFrame = digitalFrameBase + j; for (k = 0, p1 = p0 + gLibpdBlockSize * gFirstDigitalChannel; k < 16; ++k, p1 += gLibpdBlockSize) { if(dcm.isSignalRate(k) && dcm.isInput(k)){ // only process input channels that are handled at signal rate *p1 = digitalRead(context, digitalFrame, k); } } } } libpd_process_sys(); // process the block // digital outputs if(gDigitalEnabled) { // digital out at signal-rate for (j = 0, p0 = gOutBuf; j < gLibpdBlockSize; ++j, ++p0) { unsigned int digitalFrame = (digitalFrameBase + j); for (k = 0, p1 = p0 + gLibpdBlockSize * gFirstDigitalChannel; k < context->digitalChannels; k++, p1 += gLibpdBlockSize) { if(dcm.isSignalRate(k) && dcm.isOutput(k)){ // only process output channels that are handled at signal rate digitalWriteOnce(context, digitalFrame, k, *p1 > 0.5); } } } // digital out at message-rate dcm.processOutput(&context->digital[digitalFrameBase], gLibpdBlockSize); } // scope output for (j = 0, p0 = gOutBuf; j < gLibpdBlockSize; ++j, ++p0) { for (k = 0, p1 = p0 + gLibpdBlockSize * gFirstScopeChannel; k < gScopeChannelsInUse; k++, p1 += gLibpdBlockSize) { gScopeOut[k] = *p1; } scope.log(gScopeOut[0], gScopeOut[1], gScopeOut[2], gScopeOut[3]); } /* * MODIFICATION * ------------ * MPR121 Stuff */ // Keep this code: it schedules the touch sensor readings if(++readCount >= readIntervalSamples) { readCount = 0; Bela_scheduleAuxiliaryTask(i2cTask); } /*********/ // audio output for(int n = 0; n < context->audioInChannels; ++n) { memcpy( context->audioOut + tick * gLibpdBlockSize + n * context->audioFrames, gOutBuf + n * gLibpdBlockSize, sizeof(context->audioOut[0]) * gLibpdBlockSize ); } //analog output for(int n = 0; n < context->analogOutChannels; ++n) { memcpy( context->analogOut + tick * gLibpdBlockSize + n * context->analogFrames, gOutBuf + gLibpdBlockSize * gFirstAnalogOutChannel + n * gLibpdBlockSize, sizeof(context->analogOut[0]) * gLibpdBlockSize ); } } } void cleanup(BelaContext *context, void *userData) { for(auto a : midi) { delete a; } libpd_closefile(gPatch); delete [] gScopeOut; } // Auxiliary task to read the I2C board void readMPR121(void*) { for(int i = 0; i < NUM_TOUCH_PINS; i++) { sensorValue[i] = -(mpr121.filteredData(i) - mpr121.baselineData(i)); sensorValue[i] -= threshold; if(sensorValue[i] < 0) sensorValue[i] = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_MPR121 rt_printf("%d ", sensorValue[i]); //prints the values of the sensor when DEBUG_MPR121 is define at beginning of programme #endif } #ifdef DEBUG_MPR121 rt_printf("\n"); #endif
// You can use this to read binary on/off touch state more easily //rt_printf("Touched: %x\n", mpr121.touched()); }
2 months later

Awesome! I've just seen this now, sorry, but thanks both for fixing stuff. I'll update my code when I get a chance to.

8 months later

Greetings. is anybody else having a serious lag on the responsiveness using this render.cpp? tried rearranging and loosing extra baggage, yet i has not helped at all. The capSense example is of course flawless. Is it possible to get the same responsiveness when generating sound in pd, using the mpr121 readings? Thanks.

    eccot are you using heavy compiled pd patches or standard pd files? the latter has some latency inherent since it is not compiled code.

      lokki are you using heavy compiled pd patches or standard pd files? the latter has some latency inherent since it is not compiled code.

      There is no inherent latency in Pd (I mean, yes, the minimum block size we set is 16 samples per block), but there should be intrinsic latency when reading these sensors. However, if the CPU usage of the audio thread (or of the Scope) is fairly high, then the sensor readings will come in less often, and this could be the cause of the latency you perceive.

      So, what is the CPU usage of the patch, as displayed by the IDE? If it's above 50%, try closing the Scope tab, if it's open, and see if that improves the situation.

        giuliomoro There is no inherent latency in Pd

        sorry my bad. i was under the impression that pd patches run with higher latency.

        2 years later

        Hello, guys! I want to follow up on this thread!
        I'm using all the files form dywen (thank you so much!) to establish connection between MPR and PD patch.
        Everything works the way I need. However, I'm experiencing some sort of latency. When I'm pressing my touch points one by one, the sound only happens with an interval of about half a second. Basically I can't play anything fast.
        Is this limitation written in code? (unfortunately I don't know how to read it)
        I tried to change block size, it didn't do anything...
        Here is my PD patch and the picture of touch panel

        Thank you for your help!

          this looks nice !

          basswoman Is this limitation written in code? (unfortunately I don't know how to read it)

          As far as I can see from the C++ code, the sensor is read every 25ms (or as fast as possible if it actually takes more than that) and the data is sent to Pd immediately after that, so I'd suspect any additional latency to come from the Pd patch itself, although it is not immediate for me to see where that would happen. I would encourage you to try out the C++ example on Bela: Sensors/MPR121 and see if you notice a similar latency there.

          2 years later

          Hello everyone, I'm trying according to the file uploaded by dywen in 2018, but because I'm a novice in programming, the following errors have occurred in Bela ide. The first few errors can be replaced directly. I don't know how to solve this later? Thank you!
          alt text

            Thank you for your reply.It's this link.
            Later on, I saw the MPR121 example in Bela that you mentioned earlier. After I connected the copper board, although I didn't understand C++very well, at least it made a sound......