giuliomoro They are installed on the computer. I ran the script from the Bela script folder on the computer.

So I assume that if you run hvcc in a terminal on your computer you'll get the error "command not found" ?
That means you didn't actually install hvcc in a standard path

    I’m not very familiar with command line and pip, but I ran:
    pip3 install -e .
    As per the instructions and it returned (after a lot else):
    Successfully installed Jinja2-3.1.4 MarkupSafe-2.1.5 hvcc-0.6.3 importlib_resources-6.4.0 json2daisy-0.4.2 zipp-3.19.0

    Is there anything more I need to do or check?

    • Noia replied to this.

      Noia or should I actually run the scripts from the bela itself?

      pip3 list gives me among others:
      Package Version Editable project location

      hvcc 0.6.3 /Users/noia/Downloads/hvcc

      Trying to run with the full path edited into line 42 gives me a Permission denied error, though I've given full permissions for that file.

      giuliomoro So I assume that if you run hvcc in a terminal on your computer you'll get the error "command not found" ?

      did you try this?

      When I do pipx install -e . (using pipx from brew), at the end I get:

      ⚠️  Note: '/Users/giulio/.local/bin' is not on your PATH environment variable. These apps will not be globally accessible until your PATH is updated. Run `pipx ensurepath` to automatically add it, or manually
          modify your PATH in your shell's config file (i.e. ~/.bashrc).

      I don't know if you got something similar when installing it. Try re-running it with --force to force displaying this warning again. It's not like I recommend using pipx, because it doesn't really work for me as it's missing daisy2json at runtime (same for python -m pip install btw), though a workaround for it is:

      diff --git a/hvcc/ b/hvcc/
      index ab1d8c7..0035b52 100644
      --- a/hvcc/
      +++ b/hvcc/
      @@ -29,7 +29,10 @@ from hvcc.generators.ir2c import ir2c
       from hvcc.generators.ir2c import ir2c_perf
       from hvcc.generators.c2fabric import c2fabric
       from hvcc.generators.c2js import c2js
      -from hvcc.generators.c2daisy import c2daisy
      +    from hvcc.generators.c2daisy import c2daisy
      +except ImportError:
      +    print("Daisy disabled")
       from hvcc.generators.c2dpf import c2dpf
       from hvcc.generators.c2owl import c2owl
       from hvcc.generators.c2pdext import c2pdext

      Thanks a lot!
      This did the trick!
      In pip3 I didn't get that warning, running pipx it was not necessary too --force to get it. I then needed to run
      pipx ensurepath to get it to work in bash.
      (making executable and fiddling around manually in .bashrc , which I tried before getting your answer was not enough)

      In this project I can live comfortably without the Daisy support.

      I think this problem might be unrelated, but since I'm unsure I'll go on here: hvcc and the script now work fine in most cases, but when I try the script on the custom render example it seems to ignore the custom render.cpp file and render the patch with the default render, resulting in a steady sinetone.

      You are right, that was not being picked up. Try today's latest commit from Bela's dev branch, it should work there.

        giuliomoro Thanks a lot for your effort!
        It now confirms using the custom render but exits with:


        bash: line 0: printf: -l: invalid option
        printf: usage: printf [-v var] format [arguments]
        Running /root/Bela/projects/custom-render-heavy-test/custom-render-heavy-test
        Error: TODO: a different number of channels for inputs and outputs is not yet supported
        Error: unable to initialise audio
        Makefile:615: recipe for target 'run' failed
        make: *** [run] Error 1
        Connection to closed.

        Could that be related to the multichannel expander?

        Make sure your custom heavy/render.cpp file is based on the latest scripts/hvresources/render.cpp . The example PureData/custom-render has been updated as well to reflect that

        • Noia replied to this.

          giuliomoro Good catch!
          That was me trying to compile the patch from the master branch with the script from the dev branch. Hopefully I’ll be on track now!