giuliomoro the only thing that relied on dynamically linking to Bela is Supercollider, which I also maintain and which didn't set that specific flag.
Rust links shared libraries by default AFAIK, but it should be possible to change this. The allocation functions for the settings struct aren't used yet though, but doing that shouldn't be to complicated either.
giuliomoro you mean which values are valid for stopButtonPin? Any value is "valid". -1 or any number >= 128 are considered "off", values between 0 and 127 are considered "on" and the value is the pin number that will get monitored.
Ok, but can any value in [0, 128) actually be used? What if something else is assigned to the pin as well?
giuliomoro currently you can do it only in a limited way by setting e.g: --board=Bela (or .board = BelaHw_CtagFace) to only use 4in/8out when a CTAG Beast is also connected... But as usual there are other higher-priority things going on
What happens if you set a board that isn't present / available (i.e., Bela when only a Beast/Face is used or BelaMini on a Bela)?