• Hardware
  • is anyone successfully using i2c OLED / LCD?

not sure what you mean with "plot a graph behind "?

    giuliomoro sorry, similar to this example where there are pixel plots behind the float pixels
    alt text

    also i cant find how i can change the thickness of the float pixels displayed

    Right, so this requires a bit more of work. The thickness of the pixel is always 1 (the drawPixel command writes one pixel at a time). Also, we transitioned to another library which is more flexible and works with more screens. Here it is: https://github.com/giuliomoro/O2O/ . You can run that example as it is and use /waveform to achieve the same that you are currently achieving with /values.
    Did you add any other code to the current version of the library?

      if you have an SSD1306 you'll need to replace this line in main.cpp:

      U8G2_SH1106_128X64_NONAME_F_HW_I2C_LINUX u8g2(U8G2_R0);


      class U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_F_HW_I2C_LINUX : public U8G2 {
        public: U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_F_HW_I2C_LINUX(const u8g2_cb_t *rotation) : U8G2() {
          u8g2_Setup_ssd1306_i2c_128x64_noname_f(&u8g2, rotation, u8x8_byte_linux_i2c, u8x8_linux_i2c_delay);
      U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_F_HW_I2C_LINUX u8g2(U8G2_R0);

        giuliomoro this is weird but when i throw the zip in the ide and make the project and run the changed main.cpp i get this
        alt text

        5 months later

        aha! ran into the same issue.
        might be good to add that to the 'Using an OLED Screen' knowledge base page?

        also, for Github noobs such as myself, 'the latest dev branch' is somewhat vague.
        i'm assuming it's dev-i2c, but if that turns out to be the working one, it was still a lucky guess.

          also, allow me to type

          No rule to make target '/root/Bela/projects/O2O-main/build/

          for community searching purposes. i kinda lucked out finding this thread.

          so i got lucky 🙂 and got the ascii BELA logo on my screen. wonderful!

          i had to change the
          [connect 7562 (
          message box in the included local.pd file to
          [connect 7562 (
          for everything to communicate correctly.


          Remork also, for Github noobs such as myself, 'the latest dev branch' is somewhat vague.

          I literally meant the latest dev branch: the current version of the dev branch, sorry fpr the confusion.
          I would discourage using dev-i2c for anything as it's only randomly occasionally rebased on dev but otherwise unmaintained

          6 days later

          tried updating to the latest dev branch over the IDE.
          that went wrong somehow, got a dropped IDE connection and no way to recover.
          trying the script method as we speak.

          edit: seems to have worked. yay.

          a year later

          so i'm trying to get an SSD1327 128x128 oled to work.
          updated the code on the board using the script method (again, IDE method failed).
          dropped O2O .zip on IDE, adjusted setup function to
          it runs, i get the ASCII Bela logo, and i can communicate with local.pd.

          my problem is the display speed: if i runparameters, lfo'sorwaveformsfrom the example, everything slows down dramatically, where it feels like the display can't keep up with the data it's being sent.
          e.g. waveformssends data every 100ms, but that data gets displayed magnitudes slower.
          if i hitnumberafter one of the other functions it will eventually display a number, but only after it churns out every single change it was sent - and it seems to be chewing on that info for quite a long time.
          e.g. i hadlfo'srunning for about ten seconds, turned it off and hit display-text. that text would take over a minute to appear.

          i've a feeling the old OSC2OLED4BELA was faster, but maybe that's just me thinking everything was better when i was younger.

          is this to do with the library? am i the first one to notice this? any way to remedy this?
          i read about boosting the clock speed (post #57 of this thread) but not sure how to go about doing that, or if that is even the key to the issue. thanks!

            okay nevermind, just found another thread where i'm asking the same questions.
            still need to check those solutions.
            focus much?

            hmm. so i hooked the OLED up to pepper.
            it's faster than the other board i tried, but still too slow to succesfully keep up with the 100ms bangs Pd is sending out. it seems to be updating at something between half and 1/3 that speed. i.e. if i run LFO'sfor four seconds, then turn it off in Pd, it takes another four or five seconds to finish the animation.

            it could be workable, but it's not really ideal.