Monterey should work fine only with Bela images shipped after May 2020. If your board has an old image on it, you'll need to upgrade it. The easiest way to do that is to flash the latest image on it. If you have data on the SD card that you'd like to recover before flashing the new image, things are more complicated, but I can assist with that.

Hi! Thanks for the answer, as I said in the first post I've already flashed the latest image on it, I also tried flashing the next latest if there would have been any new bugs.

OK, can you run each of the following commands in your mac's terminal 1 minute or more after the board has been connected and show the output you get?

ls /Volumes/BELABOOT
cat /Volumes/BELABOOT/bela.version
ls /dev/tty*bela*
ioreg -p IOUSB -w0 -l

Hmm now I notice the Bela is not showing up as a volume, thus the terminal spits out:
ls: /Volumes/BELABOOT: No such file or directory

This must be the problem. I tried two different usb C adapters now with no luck. It should work to power it only with the usb cable right? Or would I need the 5v adapter plugged in as well?

The bela lights up like usual so it looks like its fine. Perhaps I could try connecting it directly to a router and logging in via the network?

    USB is enough, no need for the barrel jack. Could it be that you are using a charging-only USB cable?

    Connecting it via ethernet to a home router should just work™.

    2 months later

    So I've tried multiple USB cables and flashing the latest image on the bela SD card again, as well as pluggin it into my router via a network cable, but still no luck reaching the IDE. If there are any other suggestions to try I'd love to hear it.

      bamsehopp The bela lights up like usual so it looks like its fin

      Describe that in more detail or better send a video please.

      bamsehopp pluggin it into my router via a network cable,

      Did you see the leds on the ethernet port blink when you plugged it in? Look at your router's list of connected devices, does it show up there? With what IP? If trying to reach it over the ethernet connection, bela.local may work, the IP assigned to it by your router should work and none of will work.

      So the only leds that are lighting up is the PWR led (full glow) and the rightmost led (D2) is blinking in a heartbeat pattern. I'm not able to log into my router right now but will try tonight to see if I can get a list of devices from there.

      alt text

        i've recently had a very similar experience with a Bela Mini - lights on, but not able to connect. not sure anymore if the disk image showed up. anyway, i had tried to access a friends wifi the week before, and tampered with network settings.
        took a while to remember that, but turning preferences>network>location back to 'automatic' fixed the issue.

        not sure if that'll work for you, but worth checking?

          bamsehopp So the only leds that are lighting up is the PWR led (full glow) and the rightmost led (D2) is blinking in a heartbeat pattern

          Well I assume that's a few seconds after boot. As soon as it boots there should be more activity across all LEDs, then it should stabilize on the pattern you are describing.

          bamsehopp Flashed the latest bela image using balena etcher. (I've also tried the next latest build)

          Right, seeing how you have a very old cape, you may well have a very old image on the BBB, so I am wondering if it is booting from the SD card at all.
          Try to remove the cape and use the S1 button to force boot from the sd card then if successful follow instructions to wipe off the emmc. See

            Remork thanks for the suggestion, although mine is already at automatic 🙁

            giuliomoro Yes that sounds logical! This is actually the kickstarter bela so yes its very old. I will try this tonight!

            I tried it and it worked perfectly! Thank you so much, I had almost lost all hopes on my board so really happy for the support!!