- Edited
It’s just an attempt to copy the really great ADDAC506 Stochastic Function Generator with Pure Data.
Here is the panel with the pots, buttons, in & out mapping. Keepping pressed (Env 1) button allow to change the last four pots / settings of Enveloppe 1, keeping pressed (Env 2) button allow…
And some features like:
- Rise & Fall time, if Min time > Max time then Max time = Min time, from 10 ms to 10 s
- Rise & Fall shapes from exponential to logarithmic, through linear.
- Min Amplitude setable
- Delay between two enveloppes from 0 to 10 s and stochastic (0 to 10 s) on full clockwise
- LED bargraph with viewable four enveloppes, four triggers and viewable four pressed buttons
Thanks a lot @giuliomoro for your priceless help with Else library installation, which is abusely used in this patch. (ELSE thanks to you Alexandre Torres Porres !)
Here is where to download it :
And yes, i speak bad english.
(Here is some noises where this patch will be usefull, driving feedbacks : https://jacobgaret.bandcamp.com/)