My board came in just in time for me to play over the holidays. Thank you, I'm so excited.
....so, the osc objects in the current version of pd are reliant on [netreceive]
The message from the ide is: netreceive is not supported by Bela, use the C++ wrapper instead.
I see the C++ osc example but has trail been blazed for getting the messages into pd?
btw, I'm currently trying to use a javascript library called NexusUI to make web objects that broadcast osc messages.
It uses AJAX to relay messaging with a file called nexusOSCRelay.php. It worked on a MEAN stack that I set up on my desktop so I thought I would move ahead with testing on the bela webserver. I'm hitting the page on the webserver with my phone and the objects are rendering ok. If it was working (ports defined correctly, etc.), would I see print messages in the osc C++ example as they came in from the webpage?
Happy Holidays to all at Bela.