
Hello Again,

Sorry for all this back and forth. Okay. So, I just updated BELA w/ the IDE online. I figured it out. Thank you.

I still do not have the file libraries/AudioFile/AudioFile.h in my system. I thought I needed this file to follow along in Lecture1 on YouTube.

Is this correct?


mm that's strange.
Did you get any error message when updating?

When you drag the archive on the IDE, does it prompt you for creating a new project with it?

Could you please run the following commands in the console at the bottom of the IDE and paste here their output?

ls /root/Bela/libraries/AudioFile


greo v0 /etc/motd


    Yes sir...I received many errors when updating my IDE.
    No Sir...when I drag and drop, the IDE tells me, ".zip files are not allowed."
    Yes Sir...I will update you later today on the output of those commands.


    Sorry. I should have just plugged in BELA and told you.

    Here are the command outputs.

    ls /root/Bela/libraries/AudioFile
    ls: cannot access '/root/Bela/libraries/AudioFile': No such file or directory


    grep v0 /etc/motd
    Bela image, v0.3.7d, 11 March 2020

      The one you have is ok, as long as the update succeeds


      I am downloading the .zip file now. I will update you later. Oh, what file shows where the errors are located on the BBB?


      The "update bela" function is a separate button in the settings tab of the IDE (the one with the gear symbol)


        Yes Sir. I made that mistake. I updated it. Where would I look for errors after updating the page once the download is complete?


        P.S. I think everything worked but the file is still not found.

        If any error arose during updating it should be displayed in the console at the bottom. Was the IDE grayed out for a few minutes in the process?


          Hello Sir, I should mention this idea. When I plug in my BBB w/ the BELA Cape attached, I receive an "error."

          The error states:

          BELABOOT: There is a problem with this drive.


            giuliomoro Yes Sir, it turned gray and had no errors.


            P.S. Please see my newest idea on what could be an issue. Should I reflash the board?

              silver2row The error states:

              BELABOOT: There is a problem with this drive

              this should not be an issue.

              silver2row Yes Sir, it turned gray and had no errors.

              than it's really puzzling that the project still does not build.
              What error do you get when bulding?

              silver2row Should I reflash the board?

              If you want to reflash, you could just use this image: you will not need to do the manual update then.


                Yes Sir, I am going to use a new image and try that way. I will update you once I update the board w/ a new image and get the .zip file installed by Updating BELA on the IDE.


                P.S. I am sorry for all this back and forth.

                no problem, I am sorry it's giving you troubles.


                Hello Sir,

                One last thing, is there a way to "inflate" the SD Card to its full potential w/ BELA IDE or does that need to be done in another way?

                I am asking b/c I have a 32 GB card but I only had so many MB left on the card once I updated the image onboard the BBB.


                Yes. that is explained here, but it's not extremely easy. Do not worry if you had only a few MB left on BELABOOT, however: the actual main storage partition is not visible from the host, and there are over 1.5GB available in there. So following the procedure described at that URL is normally only needed if you need to store several GBs of audio samples or similar.


                  Hello...I think my bootloader might be out of date on my BBB. Could this be an issue?


                  P.S. I followed the section of the guide that explains how to erase the contents of the eMMC so BELA IDE can boot.

                  I asked and said that b/c I can sign in via terminal now but not via the IDE.

                  if you had a v0.3.7d image on the eMMC, then there is no need to go through the bootloader update procedure. You can just flash an SD card and insert it and it will boot from it.