sorry I had a typo.
journalctl -u bela_ide -n 50
sorry I had a typo.
journalctl -u bela_ide -n 50
-- Logs begin at Thu 2016-11-03 17:16:43 UTC, end at Thu 2020-04-30 10:32:28 UTC. --
Nov 03 17:16:54 bela systemd[1]: Started Bela IDE Launcher.
Nov 03 17:17:03 bela node[449]: starting IDE from /root/Bela/
Nov 03 17:17:03 bela node[449]: setting pwd timeout
Nov 03 17:17:03 bela node[449]: listening on port 80
Nov 03 17:17:33 bela node[449]: setting pwd timeout
Nov 03 17:17:33 bela node[449]: running on BelaMini
Apr 30 10:23:16 bela node[449]: time set to: Thu Apr 30 10:23:16 UTC 2020
Apr 30 10:23:16 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:24:33 bela node[449]: Strip off the top-level folder: /tmp/sine-generator_MnpvEr/sine-generatorsine-generator/
Apr 30 10:24:33 bela node[449]: (node:449) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat '/tmp/sine-generator_MnpvEr/sine-generatorsine-generator/'
Apr 30 10:24:33 bela node[449]: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat '/tmp/sine-generator_MnpvEr/sine-generatorsine-generator/'
Apr 30 10:24:33 bela node[449]: at emitWarning (internal/process/promises.js:65:17)
Apr 30 10:24:33 bela node[449]: at emitPendingUnhandledRejections (internal/process/promises.js:109:11)
Apr 30 10:24:33 bela node[449]: at runMicrotasksCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:125:9)
Apr 30 10:24:33 bela node[449]: at combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:132:7)
Apr 30 10:24:33 bela node[449]: at process.tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:181:9)
Apr 30 10:24:33 bela node[449]: (node:449) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
Apr 30 10:24:33 bela node[449]: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat '/tmp/sine-generator_MnpvEr/sine-generatorsine-generator/'
Apr 30 10:24:33 bela node[449]: (node:449) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
Apr 30 10:24:33 bela node[449]: DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
Apr 30 10:24:33 bela node[449]: at emitWarning (internal/process/promises.js:92:15)
Apr 30 10:24:33 bela node[449]: at emitPendingUnhandledRejections (internal/process/promises.js:109:11)
Apr 30 10:24:33 bela node[449]: at runMicrotasksCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:125:9)
Apr 30 10:24:33 bela node[449]: at combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:132:7)
Apr 30 10:24:33 bela node[449]: at process.tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:181:9)
Apr 30 10:26:23 bela node[449]: setting pwd timeout
Apr 30 10:26:38 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:28:03 bela node[449]: setting pwd timeout
Apr 30 10:28:32 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:28:32 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:28:49 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:28:49 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:28:49 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:28:49 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:28:50 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:28:50 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:28:50 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:29:27 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:29:27 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:29:27 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:29:28 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:29:28 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:29:28 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:30:23 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:30:23 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:30:24 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:30:27 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:30:28 bela node[449]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=sine-generator-rt' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
Apr 30 10:32:28 bela node[449]: setting pwd timeout
Apr 30 10:32:28 bela node[449]: -- Logs begin at Thu 2016-11-03 17:16:43 UTC, end at Thu 2020-04-30 10:32:28 UTC. --
Oh I see, when did you update the board? Was it on Friday evening? There was a short-lived bug that I fixed the next morning.
giuliomoro I think it was Saturday. Should I re-flash?
yes please, do the update procedure again
OK. I'll try later and take it from there. Thank you!
thanks and apologies for the disruption
giuliomoro No problem. I flashed it and now everything seems to be going great. Thank you! Can't wait for the next lecture.
Hi, I have exactly the same problem, which persists after rebooting and updating to the latest Bela core/IDE code, which I downloaded today. None of the .zip files work (shepard-risset and both sine generator files). I've also tried rebooting a few times, etc.
"Create project from zip archive shepard-risset
Error extracting zip archive /tmp/ Could not find the End of Central Directory Record
root@bela ~/Bela#"
EDIT: I also updated the Bela image to v0.3.7d (coming from v0.3.6b), but the error is still there. Below is the output of the journalctl command:
-- Logs begin at Thu 2016-11-03 17:16:43 UTC, end at Sun 2020-05-03 14:56:10 UTC. --
Nov 03 17:16:56 bela systemd[1]: Started Bela IDE Launcher.
Nov 03 17:17:05 bela node[461]: starting IDE from /root/Bela/
Nov 03 17:17:05 bela node[461]: setting pwd timeout
Nov 03 17:17:05 bela node[461]: listening on port 80
Nov 03 17:17:06 bela node[461]: setting pwd timeout
Nov 03 17:17:07 bela node[461]: running on Bela
May 03 14:55:03 bela node[461]: time set to: Sun May 3 14:55:03 UTC 2020
May 03 14:55:03 bela node[461]: make '--no-print-directory' '-C' '/root/Bela/' 'syntax' 'PROJECT=basic' 'CL=-p16 -C8 -B16 -H-6 -N1 -G1 -M0 -D0 -A0 --pga-gain-left=10 --pga-gain-right=10 -X0'
May 03 14:56:10 bela node[461]: setting pwd timeout
May 03 14:56:10 bela node[461]: -- Logs begin at Thu 2016-11-03 17:16:43 UTC, end at Sun 2020-05-03 14:56:10 UTC. --
May 03 14:56:10 bela node[461]: Nov 03 17:16:56 bela systemd[1]: Started Bela IDE Launcher.
movingpaw EDIT: I also updated the Bela image to v0.3.7d (coming from v0.3.6b), but the error is still there. Below is the output of the journalctl command:
the latest image does not yet contain the bleeding edge Bela code. You need to download the latest Bela core code from here, go to the IDE and select "Update Bela" and upload that archive. This process is described in detail in this part of lesson 0.
Yes, downloading the Bela-master branch .zip file and updating it was the first thing I did. But that gave me the errors when trying to import the lecture code examples. So I updated the Bela image as well.
Anyway, I solved the problem meanwhile, as unzipping the sine-generator examples on my own Ubuntu laptop gave me the same error. I just downloaded the example zip files in the wrong way: I went to the code examples folder on Github, right-clicked on the files and then on Save Link As. This will present a zip-file to download, but it's actually just another webpage. The right way to download the file, is to left-click on the files, which will lead to another page, where clicking on Download will give the actual file.
They're all working fine now. Thanks for this interesting course!