
Is there a way to use 88.2khz in Supercollider? both of the typical methods, setting to 88200 in Bela settings and, Server.local.options.sampleRate in SC, didn't work.
I tried to set number of analog inputs to 0 but also didn't work. I have both Bela and Bela mini and want to know if there's way to use 88.2khz in SC in both devices.

Thanks in advance for any answer.

The audio codec on Bela only runs at single sample rate (44.1kHz for the Bela cape, 48kHz for the CTAG capes). Why do you need double sample rate?

ok, so the 88.2khz can only be applied to analog outs of normal Bela? Some of supercollider extensions I have causes some aliasing because those are not anti-aliased yet. so setting sample rate to 88.2khz would help a lot. Thanks anyway..

    php0614 ok, so the 88.2khz can only be applied to analog outs of normal Bela?

    yes but only in C++. When in Supercollider, all the channels are treated as if they were at audio rate. If you use two analog I/O only, they will be effectively sampled at 88.2kHz, but at the input, every other sample is discarded and at the output the same value is written to the (2n) and (2n+1) samples, so Sc will always see those at 44.1kHz.

    php0614 Some of supercollider extensions I have causes some aliasing because those are not anti-aliased yet. so setting sample rate to 88.2khz would help a lot.

    is there any mechanism in supercollider to oversample some parts of a patch (synthdef) like you can in Pure Data with poly~ ?
    if not perhaps this can be done 'manually' (upsample, processing, downsample -> output) , if your ugens are not explicitly using the sample rate?