Is there a viable way to use an OLED display with a heavy compiled project?
I had a look at this Posts: but so far only the OSC-receiver is implemented in the dev branch of the Bela repo. Thanks for any help.

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It's a matter of adding a globalOscSender object and have it process messages coming from heavy in the sendHook() handler, adding a case to the switch in there. I am talking about this source file. Would you be able to do that yourself?

    giuliomoro Thanks for the reply. Sorry, i'm afraid i am not able to do this myself. As I have no cpp knowledge, even with the help of AI this is out of my scope.

    Giulio, thanks so much! I initially got an error: Error while sending to pipe from OscSndrTsk_127.0.0.17563: (9) Bad file descriptor (size: 24) I was able to fix it by initializing OscSender in the setup() function, adding oscSender.setup(7563, "");` there. Now everything works perfectly.

    You'd need the dev branch of Bela in your core code (both host and board) as well to make that work out of the box, I guess? Probably some fixes landed there that are not in master yet.