I finally managed to compile some pure data patches via hvcc.
I wanted to ask if there is an easy way to run OSC along the heavy program by modifying the render.cpp, to be able to receive OSC messages and then send the result inside the heavy program as @hv_param parameters? My objective is to route a simple /slider message in a similar way as if I was working with a [netreceive] + [route /slider] based PD patch.
Thank you in advance

Since the message data is generated by a simple pd patch on my pc, which uses some [0…1] range sliders hooked up each to their [send /sliderN $1( message boxes, and the latter being all hooked up to a [netsend -u] object, I guess their format is sent as
/slider1 + value
/slider2 + value

And their data type is a float32? If I’m not mistaking the way which pure data formats OSC messages.

Are you using any OSC object anywhere or are you just sending [send /sliderN $1( into [netsend -u] ?

Right so that's not OSC ! It's just a mix of strings and floats all converted by Pd to string terminated in semicolon and newline. Not something that's easy to parse. You're better off sending actual OSC so that the OscReceiver library can be used on Bela.

Get the latest dev branch of the Bela repo, where I added OSC support for heavy (see "Updating to an experimental release" here).

Then the following patches should do the trick:

On Bela:

On the host:

Note that the OSC path is passed in full (including /) as the first symbol to [receive osc-receiver].

it's printing the values!! thanks. what if I wanted to change the receiver port on Bela? do I need to change this line in the hvresources/render.cpp file to make the change remain in a new heavy compiling session?

OscReceiver oscReceiver(7562, oscCallback);