you can look at the whole libpd messaging API here:

You could use libpd_start_message(), libpd_add_float(), libpd_add_float(), libpd_finish_list() in this order. However, as I mentioned above, sending messages to libpd from a different thread is not safe. I think it may be ok for libpd_float(), but it surely is not for the list option I just illustrated.
The easiest way would probably be something like

libpd_float("sensorIndex", (float)i);
libpd_float("sensorValue", (float)sensorValue[i]);

and then having two separate receivers ([r sensorIndex] and [r sensorValue])

Although the proper way is to move the message sending to the render() function. Given that the sensorValue variable is global, you can just remove the libpd_float() from readMPR121() and add these lines to render():

for(int i = 0; i < NUM_TOUCH_PINS; i++) {
  libpd_float("sensorIndex", (float)i);
  libpd_float("sensorValue", (float)sensorValue[i]);

there is still a race condition there, but hopefully it will be fine.

Alternatively, replace the two libpd_float() above with the list-based approach described above: it is now safe to use the list approach because you are doing that from within the audio thread.


    I adapted the code in render.cpp, that splits up the 'libpd_float()'

    And I changed the Pd patch (simplified it)

    alt text

    When compiling, I get this:

    Build finished
    Running project...
    Running Pd 0.48-0
    This project requires the number of inputs and the number of outputs to be the same
    Couldn't initialise audio rendering
    Error: unable to initialise audio
    Makefile:524: recipe for target 'runide' failed
    make: *** [runide] Error 255

    I'm out of my depth here - barely understanding the libpd documentation :-/


    Aha, logical!! BelaMini has no analog out


    My values are scrambled now - but that's one layer of bugs scraped off!! yeay!

    alt text

    Not - yet - workable as you can see.

    that's actually expected: [route] strips off the first element of the message. In your case you have a message with only one element, so it just "forwards" a bang.

    Ok, back to Pure Data and knowing how that works :-)
    Two questions::

    ---> I'm trying to find out what pure Data gets from the MPR121 via render.cpp
    I managed to print this

     rt_printf("%d ", sensorValue[i]); 

    --> so the MPR121 gives values from 0 (state of not touched) to 110 approximately
    I need an object in pd that does not send bangs (like [route] does) but a construction that works with a threshold (when the value is higher than 30, button is pressed, play sound)
    Any ideas? - I think I know about an object, but I don't know how it deals with the array of 12 numbers..

    ---> Render.cpp does not want to print rt_printf("%d ", sensorIndex); (commented out in the following code snippet)
    Is this because sensorIndex is just a very local variable?
    is it ignored?
    Is it a problem (seems not to be the case..)

    // Auxiliary task to read the I2C board
    void readMPR121(void*)
    	for(int i = 0; i < NUM_TOUCH_PINS; i++) {
    		sensorValue[i] = -(mpr121.filteredData(i) - mpr121.baselineData(i));
    		sensorValue[i] -= threshold;
    		if(sensorValue[i] < 0)
    			sensorValue[i] = 0;
    		libpd_float("sensorIndex", (float)i);
    		//rt_printf("%d ", sensorIndex[i]); //error: use of undeclared identifier 'sensorIndex'
    		libpd_float("sensorValue", (float)sensorValue[i]);
    #ifdef DEBUG_MPR121
    		rt_printf("%d ", sensorValue[i]); //prints the values of the sensor when DEBUG_MPR121 is define at beginning of programme
    #ifdef DEBUG_MPR121
    // You can use this to read binary on/off touch state more easily
    //rt_printf("Touched: %x\n", mpr121.touched());

    Full render.cpp file is here:

    And, thanks - you made my day!

      dywen ---> Render.cpp does not want to print rt_printf("%d ", sensorIndex); (commented out in the following code snippet)

      there is no variable called sensorIndex. In fact the value you are sending to the "sensorIndex" receiver in Pd is simply i.

      dywen I need an object in pd that does not send bangs (like [route] does) but a construction that works with a threshold (when the value is higher than 30, button is pressed, play sound)

      could be

      [r sensorValue]
      [> 30]
      [select 1]



      Ok, I made a testpatch to simulate the sensor (as i don't know another way (yet) to get the data from the sensor into pd via Bela).

      When the slider is at 0, the MPR121 sensor is not touched
      I have put the threshhold at 30, because sometimes proximity and not touch is detected - to be changed at will.
      alt text

      This is my translation to Pd&Bela
      And it works! For the moment for pin0 on the MPR121

      alt text

      Pd code:

      Now figure out how to get the 8 values from the MPR121 chip
      (by doing [r sensorValue 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7] ? - after lunch..)


        dywen Now figure out how to get the 8 values from the MPR121 chip
        (by doing [r sensorValue 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7] ? - after lunch..)

        send a list!

                        for(int n = 0; n < 8; ++n)

          Of course!
          But Pure data still sees them as one

          alt text

          They bang together
          When I touch the 0 of MPR121 both values get printed - when I touch the 1 of MPR121 it's the same.
          I should be able to pour sensorValue into an array (but a pd array is not the same as an array in C..)

          The extra argument (0 or 1) to [r sensorValue] is ignored I believe.

          Print straight out of the receiver:

          [r sensorValue]

          and you will see that they come in as a list. However, when you go into [> ], only the first element is considered.

          So try this

          [r sensorValue]
          [unpack f f f f f f f f ]
          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | 
          each of these is one of your values.

          Hi and hmm
          it seems that unpack does not suffice - but the filtering works out well (only bangs when touched)

          alt text
          - When I touch pin 0 of the MPR121 it prints out 0: bang
          - When I touch pin 1 of the MPR121 it prints out 0: bang
          - When I touch pin 5 of the MPR121 it prints out 0: bang

          In the Arduino description I found they pack before unpacking - but that's another pd library which is not in Vanilla.

          So close - and yet so far

          [r sensorValue]
          ---> Did not give a list
          alt text


            > [r sensorValue]
            > |
            > [print]

            ---> Did not give a list

            what is your C++ code at this point?
            Are you sending this?

                            for(int n = 0; n < 8; ++n)

            IMPORTANT: are you sending something else?


              yes, it's in:

              // start DSP:
              	// [; pd dsp 1(
              	libpd_start_message(8); //get data from all 8 MPR121 pins
              	for(int n = 0; n < 8; ++n)
              	libpd_finish_message("pd", "dsp");

              --> if I'm sending anything else, good question.
              The render.cpp from luiszayas has a lot of extra stuff - midi etc - but I don't know what can be kept and what is too much.
              It's pasted here:

              In what function is it? By the looks of it, it is in setup(). It should be in render() instead.

              yep, it was in setup, not render.
              (I had a - bad - reason for that)

              Looking better!

              Now it needs serious debouncing - I think
              Touching once, briefly, gives 100 bangs (or more - who knows)

              ----> Too many messages have been printed to the console too quickly. Reduce your printing frequency