nah that's not really possible. The closest you can get is to benchmark smaller pieces of patch (or even single objects). If you place this in "Command line settings":
--board=Batch --codec-mode=s=1,p=95,t=2
you won't get any sound when running, but after 2 seconds you'll get reproducible CPU statistics for a patch, e.g.:
frames: 1357136
wallTime: 2.000105833s
cpu: 6.499%
and so this may help you to find bottlenecks.
Start with a patch without objects to find out the baseline CPU usage of simply running a Pd patch. That's about 2.6% for me at 16 samples per block.
Note that when you run your patch, the expected CPU usage is the sum of the values reported by the individual components after subtracting the baseline Pd patch consumption from each plus a global 10% to 15% due to Bela's input/output processing (which is excluded in these offline tests). This can go as low as 6% or 7% if you increase the block size to 64 or 128 (don't push it above that).
peter_n also, does the bela mini's CPU usage increase as the SD gets filled?