Hi, thanks for the prompt reply!
There is still noise (buzzing sound) after increasing the block size (same issue as what I discuss in the following bit)
Now I have this issue regarding this project:
`#include <Bela.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <libraries/Fft/Fft.h>
#include <libraries/Scope/Scope.h>
// feedthrough + hanning
unsigned int fftsize = 128;
unsigned int hopsize = fftsize / 2;
std::vector<float> window;
std::vector<float> inputBuffer(2 * fftsize, 0.0f); // Initialize the buffer size to 256 and value to 0
std::vector<float> outputBuffer(2 * fftsize, 0.0f); // Adjusted to hold the entire processed range
std::vector<float> fftfirst_real(fftsize, 0.0f); // Buffer to store real part of FFT output
std::vector<float> fftfirst_img(fftsize, 0.0f); // Buffer to store imaginary part of FFT output
unsigned int bufferIndex = 0; // Index to keep track of buffer filling
bool bufferFull = false; // Flag to check if buffer is full
Fft fft; // FFT processor
// Hanning window function
void hanningWindow(std::vector<float>& window, unsigned int size) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //++i is pre-increment order
window = 0.5 * (1 - cos(2 * M_PI * i / (size - 1)));
bool setup(BelaContext *context, void *userData) {
window.resize(fftsize); // Properly resize the window vector before calling the hanning function
hanningWindow(window, fftsize); // Calling the Hanning window function to initialize the window vector to value of fftsize
if (fft.setup(fftsize) != 0) { // Ensure the FFT setup is correct
rt_printf("FFT setup failed\n");
return false;
rt_printf("Number of input channels: %d\n", context->audioInChannels);
rt_printf("Number of output channels: %d\n", context->audioOutChannels);
return true;
void process_segment(const std::vector<float>& inputBuffer, unsigned int startIndex, std::vector<float>& outputSegment) {
std::vector<float> windowedBuffer(fftsize, 0.0f);
// Apply window and perform FFT
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fftsize; i++) {
windowedBuffer[i] = inputBuffer[startIndex + i] * window[i];
// Store FFT output in real and imaginary parts
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fftsize; i++) {
fftfirst_real[i] = fft.fdr(i);
fftfirst_img[i] = fft.fdi(i);
// Perform IFFT
fft.ifft(fftfirst_real, fftfirst_img);
// Store the IFFT output
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fftsize; i++) {
outputSegment[i] = fft.td(i);
void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData) {
for (unsigned int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; n++) {
// Read audio input from channel 0 (microphone)
float in = audioRead(context, n, 0); // in is a local var within the render function
inputBuffer[bufferIndex] = in; // Store the input in the doubled-sized buffer (i call it inputBuffer here)
// Check if buffer is full
if (bufferIndex >= 2 * fftsize) {
bufferFull = true;
bufferIndex = fftsize; // Set to 128 (129th), ready to overwrite the second half
// Check if the buffer is full and process the samples
if (bufferFull) {
// Reset the buffer full flag
bufferFull = false;
std::fill(outputBuffer.begin(), outputBuffer.end(), 0.0f);
std::vector<float> tempoutput(fftsize, 0.0f);
// Process three overlapping segments
process_segment(inputBuffer, 0, tempoutput); // Process first segment
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fftsize; i++) {
outputBuffer[i] += tempoutput[i];
process_segment(inputBuffer, hopsize, tempoutput); // Process second segment
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fftsize; i++) {
outputBuffer[hopsize + i] += tempoutput[i];
process_segment(inputBuffer, fftsize, tempoutput); // Process third segment
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fftsize; i++) {
outputBuffer[2 * hopsize + i] += tempoutput[i];
// Write the processed output buffer to the audio output
for (unsigned int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; n++) {
for (unsigned int channel = 0; channel < context->audioOutChannels; channel++) {
if (n >= hopsize && n < 3 * hopsize) {
audioWrite(context, n, channel, 10 * outputBuffer[n]);
// Preserve the second half of the inputBuffer and shift it to the first half
rt_printf("Buffer before shifting: \n");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fftsize; i++) {
rt_printf("%f ", inputBuffer[i]);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fftsize; i++) {
inputBuffer[i] = inputBuffer[fftsize + i];
rt_printf("Buffer after shifting: \n");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fftsize; i++) {
rt_printf("%f ", inputBuffer[i]);
// Print the second half of the buffer for verification
rt_printf("Second half of the buffer before shifting to first half: \n");
for (unsigned int i = fftsize; i < 2 * fftsize; i++) {
rt_printf("%f ", inputBuffer[i]);
// Print the first half of the buffer after shifting
rt_printf("First half of the buffer after shifting: \n");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fftsize; i++) {
rt_printf("%f ", inputBuffer[i]);
void cleanup(BelaContext *context, void *userData) {
fft.cleanup(); // Properly clean up the FFT resources
The above is my current code, I changed the buffer shifting part, and I think now the logic is all correct, but there is still a buzzing sound from the speaker output.
the buffer shifting is like this:
Preserve the second half of the inputBuffer and shift it to the first half, ready for the next render function to be called and fill the new samples into the second half of the buffer
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fftsize; i++) {
inputBuffer[i] = inputBuffer[fftsize + i];
in the code, I have printed the inputBuffer values before and after buffer shifting and compare them, sometimes i see some value mismatch, anyone can suggest what to do ?
On the other hand, I have been trying using gdb for setting breakpoints and debugging, and I have been using cmd or window powershell, but i think the bela interface can do as well right ? (the red circle part)
sorry I don't know why not all my code go into the 'insert code' thing