Hello all,

I'm trying to run a patch that uses sigmund to distinguish frequencies apart and activate servo motors, but I have had the three problems mentioned in the title. The version of Bela that is installed is v.0.2.1.

After the patch is run, it does nothing for a few seconds before stopping itself stating that:
CPU time limit exceeded
make: *** [runide] Error 152

It also occasionally states '1 mode switch detected in the audio thread' and if it does not, it will state multiple times: sigmund skipped: 1 computations.

This patch has worked before without any complaints and has not been changed since this, so I am unsure of why this is happening.

Does anyone have any ideas on how this can be fixed?

The CPU time limit exceeded thing happens when the audio callback runs for 4 seconds without ever returning, which normally denotes an infinite loop somewhere in the code or a very long computation. Given that you mention sigmund~, I understand you are using PureData, so it's either a bug in my code or you are requesting a computation that is veeeery long.
The support for [sigmund~] is still - unfortunately - sketchy at the best. I have some ongoing work to fix it properly.I believe your image comes with the patched version of [sigmund~], for which I only guarantee it works properly under the conditions outlined here and with less than 10 partials. What parameters are you using for [sigmund~]?

Thanks for the response.

This is the section of the patch in which I'm using sigmund~. It's the very beginning of the patch. I'm going to look through the patch for any infinite loops now, but I can't think of anywhere that would have them off hand.
alt text

I think you may have to pass some parameters to [sigmund~] , as in my examples above?

and I didn't mean an infinite loop in Pd: that would just result in a stack overflow!
Maybe you are loading many many many files from disk with [soundfiler] ?

  • sps replied to this.
    6 years later

    giuliomoro Hi,
    i also having the similar issue, which i do loop my sound file (buffer) and it seems too much for bela board. Any Idea on that?


    right so this happens on boot only? It's because loading the 60MB file takes more than 2 seconds. You can extend that time by running something like this in the console at the bottom of the IDE:

    echo 10 > /sys/module/xenomai/parameters/watchdog_timeout