no, you need to use it from within the class and use the fd variable. It doesn't seem to work for me, it always gives me bytes_avail == 0, even if the ioctl succeeds.

Wow, fantastic! Thanks so much for adding this!

I downloaded Serial.h + Serial.cpp and put in my project folder, but what is the correct way to update (or add new) library files?

Thanks! I can browse to the /root/Bela/libraries folder via ssh and see the files there. But how do I transfer files from my PC? I tried using scp serial.h root@bela.local:root/Bela/libraries/Serial but it said the host was not known.

    I use the Windows command prompt and type ssh root@bela.local . Then I can see the files on Bela. But my understanding of the Linux world is very limited unfortunately.

    Then this scp Serial.h root@bela.local:root/Bela/libraries/Serial should not return a host not known error message, as you are using exactly the same host as ssh root@bela.local.

    I'm clearly doing this wrong. I've placed a file here C:\Users\m\test.txt but I'm not sure what directory I should be in when i issue the copy command. (I'm sorry to bother you with this, it's really not a Bela issue, rather me not understanding Linux)

    C:\Users\m>scp test.txt root@bela.local:root/Bela/libraries/Serial
    scp: root/Bela/libraries/Serial: No such file or directory
    C:\Users\m>ssh root@bela.local
     ____  _____ _        _
    | __ )| ____| |      / \
    |  _ \|  _| | |     / _ \
    | |_) | |___| |___ / ___ \
    |____/|_____|_____/_/   \_\
    The platform for ultra-low latency audio and sensor processing
    Bela image, v0.3.8h, 5 January 2023
    root@bela:~# scp test.txt root@bela.local:root/Bela/libraries/Serial
    Warning: Permanently added the ECDSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.
    test.txt: No such file or directory

      m3rten No such file or directory

      that's very different from "host not known". The issue is the missing / before root/ in the destination path: if the first character after : is a forward slash, it is an absolute path, otherwise it is a relative path (relative to /root/. In your case you are trying to copy to /root/root/Bela/libraries/Serial, which doesn't exist. You can do ;scp text.txt root@bela.local:Bela/libraries/Serial or scp text.txt root@bela.local:/root/Bela/libraries/Serial

      Great, it works now! Thanks for the patience!