Hello! once again I'd like to start with a caveat: I'm very new to modular stuff, and the Pepper is my first and only module right now.

I'm curious about what the best practice is for using the inputs and outputs. I know inputs are 0-10v, and outputs are 0-5v. Since this is my only module at the moment, I'm mainly just playing around with connections from the outputs to the inputs, but of course that is only giving me half of the range. however I'm getting (near) full range on the knobs.

Is this a standard approach to output/input voltages in the eurorack world? more importantly: I'm confused about how to code with this in mind. in Pure Data if I multiply things coming into adc~ by two, then surely that will multiply both the knobs and the inputs by two? and if I start using other modules, will they all generally use 0-5v? in which case, why are the inputs 0-10v at all?

I think I'm just finding this all a bit mind bending. any tips would be great.

    I think actually the best thing for me to do would be to just keep experimenting and looking at all the example patches, sorry for the very vague post

    yannseznec Is this a standard approach to output/input voltages in the eurorack world?

    There's no such thing as a standard approach in Eurorack world, unfortunately. This means that any input should safely support any range between -10V and +10V, but may not behave usefully in part of that range. When there is a knob associate with an input, its behaviour is also not standardized, it may scale, add, or do something entirely different.

    yannseznec more importantly: I'm confused about how to code with this in mind. in Pure Data if I multiply things coming into adc~ by two, then surely that will multiply both the knobs and the inputs by two?

    Correct: Bela cannot distinguish between a CV in and a pot.

    yannseznec and if I start using other modules, will they all generally use 0-5v? in which case, why are the inputs 0-10v at all?

    In Eurorack you'll see voltages between -10V and +10V used in different ways. The analog outputs are straight from the Bela cape, with no additional amplification, in order to minimise part count, so they are limited to 0V:5V. Adding support for negative voltages at the inputs in combination with potentiometer scaling was going to make things complicated, so we only support positive voltages in the 0V:10V range to maximise compatibility with other modules.

    If you are keen to have 0V:5V range for the pots as well, you can do so with a single component change: replace the ZENER voltage reference with a 5V one (e.g.: BZX79C5V10).

    thanks for all the information! there's a lot for me to learn, clearly 😃