- Edited
Hello, I was hoping to use Trill Craft with SuperCollider on Bela, so I followed the instructions here: https://github.com/giuliomoro/Trill_SC
It went smooth seemingly, but when I run the example file SC_TrillRaw_Example, I get the following error.
Underneath you can see I checked that the supercollider classes were actually installed under TrillUGens, inside the Extensions folder. Moreover, Trill Craft is currently connected and if I run
i2cdetect -y -r 1
I get
and although the formatting is super weird, I think it suggests that the I2C sensor is read on the address 0x30.
This is a copy of the example code I'm tryna run:
s = Server.default;
s.options.numAnalogInChannels = 8; // can be 2, 4 or 8
s.options.numAnalogOutChannels = 8; // can be 2, 4 or 8
s.options.numDigitalChannels = 16;
s.options.maxLogins = 8;
s.options.pgaGainLeft = 5; // sets the pregain for the left audio input (dB)
s.options.pgaGainRight = 5; // sets the pregain for the right audio input (dB)
s.options.headphoneLevel = -1; // sets the headphone level (-dB)
s.options.speakerMuted = 1; // set true to mute the speaker amp and draw a little less power
s.options.dacLevel = 0; // sets the gain of the analog dac to (dB)
s.options.adcLevel = 0; // sets the gain of the analog adc to (dB)
s.options.blockSize = 16;
s.options.numInputBusChannels = 10;
s.options.numOutputBusChannels = 2;
s.waitForBoot {
tr = {|t_updateTrill = 1.0|
var numTouchPads = 26;
var i2c_bus = 1; // I2C bus to use on BeagleBone, usually you want this to be 1
//var i2c_address = 0x18; // I2C address of Trill sensor
var i2c_address = 0x30;
var noiseThresh = 0.01; // float: 0-0.0625, with 0.0625 being the highest noise thresh
var prescalerOpt = 1; // sensitivity option, int: 1-8 (1=highest sensitivity, play with this for complex Trill Craft setups)
var rawvals;
var sig, ping;
rawvals = TrillRaw.kr(i2c_bus, i2c_address, noiseThresh, prescalerOpt, t_updateTrill);
SendReply.kr(Impulse.kr(2), "/trill", rawvals);
sig = SinOsc.ar((1..numTouchPads) * 50, mul: Lag.kr(rawvals, 0.1)) * 0.6;
sig = Splay.ar(sig);
sig = CombL.ar(sig.sum, 0.2, 0.2, 3.0, mul: 0.4) + sig;
ping = EnvGen.ar(Env.perc, t_updateTrill) * SinOsc.ar(440);
sig + ping;
OSCdef(\trill, {|msg| msg[3..].postln }, "/trill");
{ // Illustrates updating the baseline should the configuration change while the sketch is running
loop {
"Reset Trill baseline in 10s...".postln;
"Baseline Reset".postln;
~tr.set(\t_updateTrill, 1);
Any idea what the deal is?