While creating a custom GUI for my project in a sketch.js file, it seems like the Bela framework does not support the latest features (e.g. beginClip - https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5/beginClip) .

Upon further inspection of the Bela source code, I find that the version of p5.js corresponds to v1.0.0 February 29, 2020 (https://github.com/BelaPlatform/Bela/blob/e39a5c1a91331ede9adf75b5c048f55ae8433c19/IDE/public/js/p5.min.js).

My solution would be to update this p5.min.js and replace it with the most recent release version (v1.9.0 - https://github.com/processing/p5.js/releases).

Is this the recommended approach? If yes, what would be the best way to do so.

assuming nothing changed in its API, you should be able to download p5.min.js from that page and place it on your board at this location: /root/Bela/IDE/public/js/ . To do that through the IDE, simply drag-and-drop p5.min.js into the current project and run the following in the console at the bottom of the IDE:

mv /root/Bela/projects/PROJECT_NAME/p5.min.js /root/Bela/IDE/public/js/

after replacing PROJECT_NAME with the name of the project that you dropped it into.

  • Mels replied to this.