- Edited
giuliomoro It depends on the tolerance of the passives used in the input stage, where an internal 10V reference (or an external CV) are divided down with a voltage divider: the potentiometer probably has a 10% tolerance and the resistor a 5% tolerance.
Potentiometer readings should then be between 0 and 0.98, with a Β±15% tolerance on the upper value, clipped at 1. So, depending on the actual resistor values of these components, you may read values slightly above or below 0.98, namely between 0.83 and 1, but most likely closer to 0.98.
Thanks for these informations.
Because the 1 is sometimes useful with Pd (as in this ATTAC506 patch) and because I don't want to use only the half range of the pot putting too much multiplication to reach it or overtake it, I have these questions :
Wich value is converted for Pure Data : the one viewable on the bela_scope (which seems to be upper than 5V (??)) or the one which could be measured with a voltmeter at the CV OUT ? (which seems to be lower than 5V). Knowing this, I could use a more precise multiplication to reach a 0-1 and use the full range of the pot.
What is the formula involved in Bela to convert these voltages to Pd 0-1 ?
giuliomoro There is not much that would explain the bottom of the range to be at 0.15 (or 0.09) instead of 0, so if you get 0.15 or 0.09 when the potentiometer is at a minimum, I'd start looking for issues ...
(Note: Measures have been done with both eurorack external power and USB plugged)
The Pd 0.15 was just an example, as the Pd 0.85, it was just to try to understand why I can't reach 1 (and perhaps 0).
giuliomoro is that on all the channels?
The non zero minimum is on all the channels, as measured by voltmeter in CV OUT.
On the bela_scope, the zero seems to be fine (by eye...)
Potx: real measure min-max volt. on CV OUT / approx. displayed volt. with bela_scope / approx. ratio
Pot1: 0.09-4.52 / 0-5.43 / 1.201
Pot2: 0.09-4.45 / 0-5.38 / 1.209
Pot3: 0.05-4.52 / 0-5.43 / 1.201
Pot4: 0.09-4.53 / 0-5.43 / 1.199
Pot5: 0.08-4.64 / 0-5.58 / 1.203
Pot6: 0.05-4.49 / 0-5.4 / 1.203
Pot7: 0.05-4.52 / 0-5.43 / 1.201
Pot8: 0.07-4.19 / 0-5.05 / 1.205
giuliomoro Do you get any crosstalk between channels?
(I will try monday.)
giuliomoro I am wondering whether the connection between the Bela cape and the Pepper PCB is tight enough on the analog in headers... did you use long enough pins there? Can you try squeezing the boards tighter together?
This point seems to be alright.