giuliomoro Thanks for taking a look at the code. I tried different settings of the block size (audio frames). If it works for you, please let me know what was your settings. I'm using the Bela mini. Here's the code:

--daemon --realtime -odac -iadc -d -m0
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
seed 0 

;-m0d --daemon --realtime -odac -iadc

giportrelay1 init 14 
giportrelay2 init 15
gidel init 2

gain1 init 0
gain2 init 0
gaout1 init 0
gaout2 init 0

gigain init 0 ;in dB
gigainout init 0; dB

instr 9 ;audio in -> out 
amic1, amic2 ins
iamp init db(gigain)
ifilter = 6000 ;LPF
afilter1 butterlp amic1 * iamp, ifilter
afilter2 butterlp amic2 * iamp, ifilter
ain1 = afilter1
ain2 = afilter2
vincr gain1, ain1
vincr gain2, ain2
;send input directly to output
igout = db(gigainout)
aout1 = igout * ain1
aout2 = igout * ain2
vincr gaout1, aout1
vincr gaout2, aout2

instr 10;digital ports ;========================================

ks101 = 0 ;initialize control signal for sensor 1 drum 1 + sensor 1 drum 2
ks102 = 0
ks103 = 0
ks104 = 0
ks105 = 0
ks201 = 0
ks202 = 0
ks203 = 0
ks204 = 0
ks205 = 0
ks301 = 0
ks302 = 0
ks303 = 0
ks304 = 0
ks305 = 0
ks401 = 0
ks402 = 0
ks403 = 0
ks404 = 0
ks405 = 0
ks501 = 0
ks502 = 0
ks503 = 0
ks504 = 0
ks505 = 0
ks340 = 0 ;drum sensor 3 + 4
ks034 = 0

iport00 = 4 ;digital port 1 IN DRUM 1 Sensor 1 
iport01 = 3 ;digital port 2 IN DRUM 1 Sensor 2 
iport02 = 2 ;digital port 3 IN DRUM 1 Sensor 3 
iport03 = 1 ;digital port 4 IN DRUM 1 Sensor 4 
iport04 = 0 ;digital port 5 IN DRUM 1 Sensor 5  

iport08 = 12 ;digital port 7 IN DRUM 2 Sensor 1
iport09 = 11 
iport10 = 10 
iport11 = 9 
iport12 = 8

ks11 digiInBela iport00 ;drum 1
ks12 digiInBela iport01
ks13 digiInBela iport02
ks14 digiInBela iport03
ks15 digiInBela iport04
ks21 digiInBela iport08 ;drum 1
ks22 digiInBela iport09
ks23 digiInBela iport10
ks24 digiInBela iport11
ks25 digiInBela iport12

; ihtim = 0.01
; ks11 port ks11, ihtim
; ks12 port ks12, ihtim
; ks13 port ks13, ihtim
; ks14 port ks14, ihtim
; ks15 port ks15, ihtim
; ks21 port ks21, ihtim
; ks22 port ks22, ihtim
; ks23 port ks23, ihtim
; ks24 port ks24, ihtim
; ks25 port ks25, ihtim

if (ks11== 1) && (ks21== 1)  then   ; Rhymthmic light on
	ks101 = 1
;; elseif  (ks11== 1) && (ks23== 1)  then 
;; 	ks103 = 1
;;  elseif (ks13== 1) && (ks21== 1)  then   ; GROUP 3 ------------
;;  	ks301 = 1
elseif  (ks13== 1) && (ks23== 1)  then ;stroboscopi both lights LR
	ks303 = 1
elseif  (ks13== 1) && (ks14== 1)  then ;delay on drum 2
	ks340 = 1
elseif  (ks23== 1) && (ks24== 1)  then ;delay on drum 1
	ks034 = 1

imin = 0.1
imax = 1

; sensor 3 drum 1 + sensor 3 drum 2 ;STROBOSCOPI ON/OFF +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
kson1323  trigger ks303, 0.5, 0
;ksoff1323 trigger ks303, 0.1, 1
;idrum1323 = giportrelay1 ;drum 1
;							p4		p5	
;							drum         	freq
schedkwhen kson1323, imin, imax, 	60, 0, 100,	giportrelay1,	10
schedkwhen kson1323, imin, imax, 	60, 0, 100,	giportrelay2,	10.02659265
;schedkwhen ksoff1323, imin, imax, 61, 0, 0.1 ;turn off stroboscopic lights

;; ; sensor 1 drum 1 + sensor 3 drum 2 ;STROBOSCOPI ON/OFF +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
;; kson1123  trigger ks103, 0.5, 0
;; ksoff1123 trigger ks103, 0.1, 1
;; idrum1123 = giportrelay2 ;drum 2
;; ;													p4		p5	
;; ;													drum	freq
;; schedkwhen kson1123, imin, imax, 	60, 0, 100,	idrum1123,		15
;; schedkwhen ksoff1123, imin, imax,	61, 0, 0.1			;stroboscopic off
;; schedkwhen ksoff1123, imin, imax,	63, 0.1, 0.1,	idrum1123 ;stop light
;; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; ;sensor 3 drum 1 + sensor 1 drum 2 ;STROBOSCOPI ON/OFF+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
;; kson1321  trigger ks301, 0.5, 0
;; ksoff1321 trigger ks301, 0.1, 1
;; idrum1321 = giportrelay1
;; ;													p4		p5	
;; ;													drum	freq
;; schedkwhen kson1321, imin, imax, 	60, 0, 100,	idrum1321,		15
;; schedkwhen ksoff1321, imin, imax,	61, 0, 0.1			;stroboscopic off
;; schedkwhen ksoff1321, imin, imax,	63, 0.1, 0.1,	idrum1321 ;stop light
;sensor 2 drum 1 TURN AUDIO IN->OUT ON/OFF ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
kson1220  trigger ks12, 0.5, 0 ;
ipiezzo1220 = 1
idrum1220 = 2
igain1220 = 1
;							piezzo		drum	        input
schedkwhen kson1220,  imin, imax, 	70, 0, 100,	ipiezzo1220,	idrum1220;,	igain1220
ksoff1220 trigger ks12, 0.1, 1
schedkwhen ksoff1220,  imin, imax, 	71, 0, 0.1
;sensor 2 drum 2  TURN AUDIO IN->OUT ON/OFF ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
kson1022  trigger ks22, 0.5, 0
;turn audio on
ipiezzo1022 = 2
idrum1022 = 1
igain1022 = 1
;							piezzo		drum		input
schedkwhen kson1022,  imin, imax, 	70, 0, 100,	ipiezzo1022,	idrum1022;,	igain1022
ksoff1022 trigger ks22, 0.1, 1
schedkwhen ksoff1022,  imin, imax, 	71, 0, 0.1
;sensor 4 drum 1 / TURN LIGHT ON on drum 2;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
kson1420  trigger ks14, 0.5, 0
idrum1420 = giportrelay2
;											drum
schedkwhen kson1420,  imin, 2, 	62, 0, 100,	idrum1420
;sensor 5 drum 1 / TURN LIGHT OFF on drum 2;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
idrum1520 = giportrelay2
kson1520 trigger ks15, 0.1, 0
schedkwhen kson1520, imin, imax, 79, 0, 0.2
schedkwhen kson1520,  imin, 2, 		63, 0, 0.1, idrum1520 ;turn off light 
;; schedkwhen kson1520,  imin, imax, 	66, 0, 0.1 ;turn off rhythmic light 
;; schedkwhen kson1520,  imin, imax,       74, 0, 0.1 ;turn delay off
;; schedkwhen kson1520,  imin, imax,       61, 0, 0.1 ;stop stroboscopic light
;sensor 4 drum 2 /  TURN LIGHT ON on drum 1
kson1024  trigger ks24, 0.5, 0
idrum1024 = giportrelay1
;												drum
schedkwhen kson1024,  imin, 2, 	62, 0, 100,	idrum1024
;sensor 5 drum 2 /  TURN LIGHT OFF on drum 1 ALL OFF
idrum1025 = giportrelay1
kson1025 trigger ks25, 0.1, 0
schedkwhen kson1025, imin, imax, 79, 0, 0.2
schedkwhen kson1025,  imin, 2, 		63, 0, 0.1, idrum1025
;; schedkwhen kson1025,  imin, imax, 	66, 0, 0.1 ;turn off rhythmic light 
;; schedkwhen kson1025,  imin, imax,       74, 0, 0.1 ;turn delay off
;; schedkwhen kson1520,  imin, imax,       61, 0, 0.1 ;stop stroboscopic light

;sensor 3 + 4 drum 1 /  TURN DELAY ON on drum 2 piezzo 2 
kson1314 trigger ks340, 0.5, 0 
ipiezzo1314 = 1
idrum1314 = 1
igain1314 = .5
;						piezzo	     drum	input gain
schedkwhen kson1314,  imin, 2, 	73, 0, 100,	ipiezzo1314, idrum1314, igain1314
;ksoff1314 trigger ks340, 0.5, 1
;schedkwhen ksoff1314,  imin, 2,	74, 0.1, 0.1

;sensor 3 + 4 drum 2 /  TURN DELAY ON on drum 2 piezzo 2 
kson2324 trigger ks034, 0.5, 0 
ipiezzo2324 = 2
idrum2324 = 2
igain2324 = .5
;						piezzo       drum	input gain
schedkwhen kson2324,  imin, 2, 	73, 0, 100,	ipiezzo2324, idrum2324, igain2324
;ksoff2324 trigger ks034, 0.5, 1
;schedkwhen ksoff2324,  imin, 2,	74, 0.1, 0.1

;sensor 1 drum 1 + sensor 1 drum 2 // RHYTHMIC LIGHT 
kson1121 trigger ks101, 0.5, 0 
ipan1121 = 0 
itempo1121 = 48
;						pan 		tempo
schedkwhen kson1121,  imin, 4, 	65, 0, 100,	ipan1121, itempo1121

endin ;=========================================================

; \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
instr 60 ;stroboscopic light ;stroboscopic light ;stroboscopic light
iportrelay = p4 ;drum port
ifreq = p5 
;kstrob oscil 1, kfreq, 2 ;squarewave
kstrob lfo 1, ifreq, 3;type 3 = square unipolar
digiOutBela kstrob, iportrelay

instr 61 ;stop stroboscopic 
;kill instr 60 stroboscopic
turnoff2 60, 0, 0 
schedule 64, 0.05, 0.1 ;turn off lights

instr 62 ;turn light on  ;turn light on  ;turn light on  ;turn light on 
iportrelay = p4
digiOutBela 0, iportrelay

instr 63;turn light off ;turn light off ;turn light off ;turn light off
turnoff2 62, 0, 0
iportrelay = p4
digiOutBela 1, iportrelay

instr 64 ;turn both lights off 
digiOutBela 1, giportrelay1
digiOutBela 1, giportrelay2

;Rhythmic Light 	;Rhythmic Light 	;Rhythmic Light 	;Rhythmic Light 	;Rhythmic Light 	;Rhythmic Light 
instr 65	;Rhythmic Light 	;Rhythmic Light 	;Rhythmic Light 	;Rhythmic Light 
ipan = p4	;where is the puls
itempo = p5 
if ipan == 0 then 
	irelay1 = giportrelay1
	irelay2 = giportrelay2 
	irelay1 = giportrelay2
	irelay2 = giportrelay1 

ifreq = itempo/60
kpuls metro ifreq
ktrig1 trigger kpuls, 0.5, 0 
ildur = 1/ifreq
imin = 0.01
imax = 8
schedkwhen ktrig1, imin, imax, 67, 0, ildur, irelay1

instr 66
turnoff2 65, 0, 0
turnoff2 67, 0, 0 ;turn off rhythmic delay
turnoff2 68, 0, 0
turnoff2 65, 0, 0
turnoff2 73, 0, 0 ;turn off delay 
i60 active 60
if i60 > 0 then ;;if stroboscopi light is on then turn both lights off 
	schedule 61, 0.01, 0.1 ;turn off stroboscopic and turn off both lights


instr 67 ;light on for a short time RHYTHMIC LIGHT 
idur = p3
iportrelay = p4
if iportrelay == 0 then 
	iportrelay1 = giportrelay1
	iportrelay2 = giportrelay2
	iportrelay1 = giportrelay2
	iportrelay2 = giportrelay1
ilight = 0.1
iatt = 0.001
irest = p3 - ilight- iatt * 2
if (irest <= 0) then 
	irest = 0.001 
klight linseg 1, iatt, 0, ilight, 0, iatt, 1, irest, 1 
digiOutBela klight, iportrelay1

;call delayed light 
idel random  idur*0.5, idur-0.1
schedule 68, idel, idur, iportrelay2

instr 68 ;delayed light 
iportrelay = p4
ilight = 0.1
iatt = 0.001
irest = p3 - ilight- iatt * 2
if (irest <= 0) then 
	irest = 0.001 
klight linseg 1, iatt, 0, ilight, 0, iatt, 1, irest, 1 
digiOutBela klight, iportrelay

instr 70 ;turn audio amplification on
ipiezzo = p4-1
  idrum = p5-1
  igain = db(6)
apiezzo sum gain1 * (1-ipiezzo) * igain, gain2 * ipiezzo * igain

kfreq randomi 500, 2000, 4
  imaxamp = db(9)
  idect = 2
ksamp linsegr 0, 0.001, imaxamp, idect, 1, 1, 1
asin poscil ksamp, kfreq

amic clip apiezzo, 0, db(-6)
arm = asin * amic
aout1 = arm * (1-idrum)
aout2 = arm * idrum

;outs aout1, aout2
 vincr gaout1, aout1
 vincr gaout2, aout2
;;outch idrum, apiezzo*iamp * asin

instr 71 ;turn audio off
turnoff2 70, 0, 0

instr 73 ;turn delay on 
  ;prints "\n DELAY ON ..."

  ;don't turn on if one instance is already on
  i73 active 73

ifeedback = 0.95
idrum = p4 
ipiezzo = p5
igain = p6
ilim = db(-6)
  if ipiezzo == 1 then
    ain clip gain1, 0, ilim
    ain clip gain2, 0, ilim

if1 = 20 
if2 = 400 
if3 = 20 
  if4 = 300
kdel1 randomh 1/if1, 1/if2, 1 
kdel2 randomh 1/if3, 1/if4, .9

abuf1	delayr	gidel
adel1 	deltap	kdel1
		delayw	ain * igain + (adel1 * ifeedback)

abuf2	delayr	gidel
adel2 	deltap	kdel2		
		delayw	ain * igain + (adel2 * ifeedback)
aout sum adel1, adel2
alim clip aout, 0, db(-3)

  if idrum == 1 then
    vincr gaout1, alim
    vincr gaout2, alim
    ;outch idrum, alim


instr 74 ;turn delay off 
;prints "\n DELAY OFF ..."
turnoff2 73, 0, 0

instr 79 ;all off
  i60 active 60
  i65 active 65
  i73 active 73

  print i60, i65, i73

  if i60 > 0 then   ;stroboscopic light
    ;;turnoff2 60, 0, 0
    schedule 61, 0, 0.1

  if i65 > 0 then ;  ;rhythmic ligth
    schedule 66, 0, 0.1

  if i73 > 0 then  ;delay
    turnoff2 73, 0, 0.1


instr 99
  aout1 = gaout1
  aout2 = gaout2
outs aout1, aout2
clear gain1, gain2, gaout1, gaout2

f100 0 1024 	7	0	24	1	1000	0 ;envelope
;f2	 0 1024		-7	0	1	1	511 	1	1	0	511 	0 ;squarewave
;			p4		p5	
;			drum	freq
i60 0	.5	14		8;giportrelay1
i60 .5	.5	15		8; giportrelay2
i61 1	.1
i64 1.5 .1 ;turn both lights off

i10 	2 86400 ;play for 24 h
i9	2 86400 ;audio in->out
i99     2 86400 ; Outputs + clear global variables

Here's the code with a better format for you to read.

  --daemon --realtime -odac -iadc -d -m0
  ksmps = 32
  nchnls = 2
  0dbfs = 1
  seed 0 
  ;-m0d --daemon --realtime -odac -iadc
  giportrelay1 init 14 
  giportrelay2 init 15
  gidel init 2
  gain1 init 0
  gain2 init 0
  gaout1 init 0
  gaout2 init 0
  gigain init 0 ;in dB
  gigainout init 0; dB
  instr 9 ;audio in -> out 
  amic1, amic2 ins
  iamp init db(gigain)
  ifilter = 6000 ;LPF
  afilter1 butterlp amic1 * iamp, ifilter
  afilter2 butterlp amic2 * iamp, ifilter
  ain1 = afilter1
  ain2 = afilter2
  vincr gain1, ain1
  vincr gain2, ain2
  ;send input directly to output
  igout = db(gigainout)
  aout1 = igout * ain1
  aout2 = igout * ain2
  vincr gaout1, aout1
  vincr gaout2, aout2
  instr 10;digital ports ;========================================
  ks101 = 0 ;initialize control signal for sensor 1 drum 1 + sensor 1 drum 2
  ks102 = 0
  ks103 = 0
  ks104 = 0
  ks105 = 0
  ks201 = 0
  ks202 = 0
  ks203 = 0
  ks204 = 0
  ks205 = 0
  ks301 = 0
  ks302 = 0
  ks303 = 0
  ks304 = 0
  ks305 = 0
  ks401 = 0
  ks402 = 0
  ks403 = 0
  ks404 = 0
  ks405 = 0
  ks501 = 0
  ks502 = 0
  ks503 = 0
  ks504 = 0
  ks505 = 0
  ks340 = 0 ;drum sensor 3 + 4
  ks034 = 0
  iport00 = 4 ;digital port 1 IN DRUM 1 Sensor 1 
  iport01 = 3 ;digital port 2 IN DRUM 1 Sensor 2 
  iport02 = 2 ;digital port 3 IN DRUM 1 Sensor 3 
  iport03 = 1 ;digital port 4 IN DRUM 1 Sensor 4 
  iport04 = 0 ;digital port 5 IN DRUM 1 Sensor 5  
  iport08 = 12 ;digital port 7 IN DRUM 2 Sensor 1
  iport09 = 11 
  iport10 = 10 
  iport11 = 9 
  iport12 = 8
  ks11 digiInBela iport00 ;drum 1
  ks12 digiInBela iport01
  ks13 digiInBela iport02
  ks14 digiInBela iport03
  ks15 digiInBela iport04
  ks21 digiInBela iport08 ;drum 1
  ks22 digiInBela iport09
  ks23 digiInBela iport10
  ks24 digiInBela iport11
  ks25 digiInBela iport12
  ; ihtim = 0.01
  ; ks11 port ks11, ihtim
  ; ks12 port ks12, ihtim
  ; ks13 port ks13, ihtim
  ; ks14 port ks14, ihtim
  ; ks15 port ks15, ihtim
  ; ks21 port ks21, ihtim
  ; ks22 port ks22, ihtim
  ; ks23 port ks23, ihtim
  ; ks24 port ks24, ihtim
  ; ks25 port ks25, ihtim
  if (ks11== 1) && (ks21== 1)  then   ; Rhymthmic light on
  	ks101 = 1
  ;; elseif  (ks11== 1) && (ks23== 1)  then 
  ;; 	ks103 = 1
  ;;  elseif (ks13== 1) && (ks21== 1)  then   ; GROUP 3 ------------
  ;;  	ks301 = 1
  elseif  (ks13== 1) && (ks23== 1)  then ;stroboscopi both lights LR
  	ks303 = 1
  elseif  (ks13== 1) && (ks14== 1)  then ;delay on drum 2
  	ks340 = 1
  elseif  (ks23== 1) && (ks24== 1)  then ;delay on drum 1
  	ks034 = 1
  imin = 0.1
  imax = 1
  ; sensor 3 drum 1 + sensor 3 drum 2 ;STROBOSCOPI ON/OFF +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  kson1323  trigger ks303, 0.5, 0
  ;ksoff1323 trigger ks303, 0.1, 1
  ;idrum1323 = giportrelay1 ;drum 1
  ;							p4		p5	
  ;							drum         	freq
  schedkwhen kson1323, imin, imax, 	60, 0, 100,	giportrelay1,	10
  schedkwhen kson1323, imin, imax, 	60, 0, 100,	giportrelay2,	10.02659265
  ;schedkwhen ksoff1323, imin, imax, 61, 0, 0.1 ;turn off stroboscopic lights
  ;; ; sensor 1 drum 1 + sensor 3 drum 2 ;STROBOSCOPI ON/OFF +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  ;; kson1123  trigger ks103, 0.5, 0
  ;; ksoff1123 trigger ks103, 0.1, 1
  ;; idrum1123 = giportrelay2 ;drum 2
  ;; ;													p4		p5	
  ;; ;													drum	freq
  ;; schedkwhen kson1123, imin, imax, 	60, 0, 100,	idrum1123,		15
  ;; schedkwhen ksoff1123, imin, imax,	61, 0, 0.1			;stroboscopic off
  ;; schedkwhen ksoff1123, imin, imax,	63, 0.1, 0.1,	idrum1123 ;stop light
  ;; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ;; ;sensor 3 drum 1 + sensor 1 drum 2 ;STROBOSCOPI ON/OFF+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  ;; kson1321  trigger ks301, 0.5, 0
  ;; ksoff1321 trigger ks301, 0.1, 1
  ;; idrum1321 = giportrelay1
  ;; ;													p4		p5	
  ;; ;													drum	freq
  ;; schedkwhen kson1321, imin, imax, 	60, 0, 100,	idrum1321,		15
  ;; schedkwhen ksoff1321, imin, imax,	61, 0, 0.1			;stroboscopic off
  ;; schedkwhen ksoff1321, imin, imax,	63, 0.1, 0.1,	idrum1321 ;stop light
  ;sensor 2 drum 1 TURN AUDIO IN->OUT ON/OFF ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  kson1220  trigger ks12, 0.5, 0 ;
  ipiezzo1220 = 1
  idrum1220 = 2
  igain1220 = 1
  ;							piezzo		drum	        input
  schedkwhen kson1220,  imin, imax, 	70, 0, 100,	ipiezzo1220,	idrum1220;,	igain1220
  ksoff1220 trigger ks12, 0.1, 1
  schedkwhen ksoff1220,  imin, imax, 	71, 0, 0.1
  ;sensor 2 drum 2  TURN AUDIO IN->OUT ON/OFF ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  kson1022  trigger ks22, 0.5, 0
  ;turn audio on
  ipiezzo1022 = 2
  idrum1022 = 1
  igain1022 = 1
  ;							piezzo		drum		input
  schedkwhen kson1022,  imin, imax, 	70, 0, 100,	ipiezzo1022,	idrum1022;,	igain1022
  ksoff1022 trigger ks22, 0.1, 1
  schedkwhen ksoff1022,  imin, imax, 	71, 0, 0.1
  ;sensor 4 drum 1 / TURN LIGHT ON on drum 2;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  kson1420  trigger ks14, 0.5, 0
  idrum1420 = giportrelay2
  ;											drum
  schedkwhen kson1420,  imin, 2, 	62, 0, 100,	idrum1420
  ;sensor 5 drum 1 / TURN LIGHT OFF on drum 2;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  idrum1520 = giportrelay2
  kson1520 trigger ks15, 0.1, 0
  schedkwhen kson1520, imin, imax, 79, 0, 0.2
  schedkwhen kson1520,  imin, 2, 		63, 0, 0.1, idrum1520 ;turn off light 
  ;; schedkwhen kson1520,  imin, imax, 	66, 0, 0.1 ;turn off rhythmic light 
  ;; schedkwhen kson1520,  imin, imax,       74, 0, 0.1 ;turn delay off
  ;; schedkwhen kson1520,  imin, imax,       61, 0, 0.1 ;stop stroboscopic light
  ;sensor 4 drum 2 /  TURN LIGHT ON on drum 1
  kson1024  trigger ks24, 0.5, 0
  idrum1024 = giportrelay1
  ;												drum
  schedkwhen kson1024,  imin, 2, 	62, 0, 100,	idrum1024
  ;sensor 5 drum 2 /  TURN LIGHT OFF on drum 1 ALL OFF
  idrum1025 = giportrelay1
  kson1025 trigger ks25, 0.1, 0
  schedkwhen kson1025, imin, imax, 79, 0, 0.2
  schedkwhen kson1025,  imin, 2, 		63, 0, 0.1, idrum1025
  ;; schedkwhen kson1025,  imin, imax, 	66, 0, 0.1 ;turn off rhythmic light 
  ;; schedkwhen kson1025,  imin, imax,       74, 0, 0.1 ;turn delay off
  ;; schedkwhen kson1520,  imin, imax,       61, 0, 0.1 ;stop stroboscopic light
  ;sensor 3 + 4 drum 1 /  TURN DELAY ON on drum 2 piezzo 2 
  kson1314 trigger ks340, 0.5, 0 
  ipiezzo1314 = 1
  idrum1314 = 1
  igain1314 = .5
  ;						piezzo	     drum	input gain
  schedkwhen kson1314,  imin, 2, 	73, 0, 100,	ipiezzo1314, idrum1314, igain1314
  ;ksoff1314 trigger ks340, 0.5, 1
  ;schedkwhen ksoff1314,  imin, 2,	74, 0.1, 0.1
  ;sensor 3 + 4 drum 2 /  TURN DELAY ON on drum 2 piezzo 2 
  kson2324 trigger ks034, 0.5, 0 
  ipiezzo2324 = 2
  idrum2324 = 2
  igain2324 = .5
  ;						piezzo       drum	input gain
  schedkwhen kson2324,  imin, 2, 	73, 0, 100,	ipiezzo2324, idrum2324, igain2324
  ;ksoff2324 trigger ks034, 0.5, 1
  ;schedkwhen ksoff2324,  imin, 2,	74, 0.1, 0.1
  ;sensor 1 drum 1 + sensor 1 drum 2 // RHYTHMIC LIGHT 
  kson1121 trigger ks101, 0.5, 0 
  ipan1121 = 0 
  itempo1121 = 48
  ;						pan 		tempo
  schedkwhen kson1121,  imin, 4, 	65, 0, 100,	ipan1121, itempo1121
  endin ;=========================================================
  ; \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
  instr 60 ;stroboscopic light ;stroboscopic light ;stroboscopic light
  iportrelay = p4 ;drum port
  ifreq = p5 
  ;kstrob oscil 1, kfreq, 2 ;squarewave
  kstrob lfo 1, ifreq, 3;type 3 = square unipolar
  digiOutBela kstrob, iportrelay
  instr 61 ;stop stroboscopic 
  ;kill instr 60 stroboscopic
  turnoff2 60, 0, 0 
  schedule 64, 0.05, 0.1 ;turn off lights
  instr 62 ;turn light on  ;turn light on  ;turn light on  ;turn light on 
  iportrelay = p4
  digiOutBela 0, iportrelay
  instr 63;turn light off ;turn light off ;turn light off ;turn light off
  turnoff2 62, 0, 0
  iportrelay = p4
  digiOutBela 1, iportrelay
  instr 64 ;turn both lights off 
  digiOutBela 1, giportrelay1
  digiOutBela 1, giportrelay2
  ;Rhythmic Light 	;Rhythmic Light 	;Rhythmic Light 	;Rhythmic Light 	;Rhythmic Light 	;Rhythmic Light 
  instr 65	;Rhythmic Light 	;Rhythmic Light 	;Rhythmic Light 	;Rhythmic Light 
  ipan = p4	;where is the puls
  itempo = p5 
  if ipan == 0 then 
  	irelay1 = giportrelay1
  	irelay2 = giportrelay2 
  	irelay1 = giportrelay2
  	irelay2 = giportrelay1 
  ifreq = itempo/60
  kpuls metro ifreq
  ktrig1 trigger kpuls, 0.5, 0 
  ildur = 1/ifreq
  imin = 0.01
  imax = 8
  schedkwhen ktrig1, imin, imax, 67, 0, ildur, irelay1
  instr 66
  turnoff2 65, 0, 0
  turnoff2 67, 0, 0 ;turn off rhythmic delay
  turnoff2 68, 0, 0
  turnoff2 65, 0, 0
  turnoff2 73, 0, 0 ;turn off delay 
  i60 active 60
  if i60 > 0 then ;;if stroboscopi light is on then turn both lights off 
  	schedule 61, 0.01, 0.1 ;turn off stroboscopic and turn off both lights
  instr 67 ;light on for a short time RHYTHMIC LIGHT 
  idur = p3
  iportrelay = p4
  if iportrelay == 0 then 
  	iportrelay1 = giportrelay1
  	iportrelay2 = giportrelay2
  	iportrelay1 = giportrelay2
  	iportrelay2 = giportrelay1
  ilight = 0.1
  iatt = 0.001
  irest = p3 - ilight- iatt * 2
  if (irest <= 0) then 
  	irest = 0.001 
  klight linseg 1, iatt, 0, ilight, 0, iatt, 1, irest, 1 
  digiOutBela klight, iportrelay1
  ;call delayed light 
  idel random  idur*0.5, idur-0.1
  schedule 68, idel, idur, iportrelay2
  instr 68 ;delayed light 
  iportrelay = p4
  ilight = 0.1
  iatt = 0.001
  irest = p3 - ilight- iatt * 2
  if (irest <= 0) then 
  	irest = 0.001 
  klight linseg 1, iatt, 0, ilight, 0, iatt, 1, irest, 1 
  digiOutBela klight, iportrelay
  instr 70 ;turn audio amplification on
  ipiezzo = p4-1
    idrum = p5-1
    igain = db(6)
  apiezzo sum gain1 * (1-ipiezzo) * igain, gain2 * ipiezzo * igain
  kfreq randomi 500, 2000, 4
    imaxamp = db(9)
    idect = 2
  ksamp linsegr 0, 0.001, imaxamp, idect, 1, 1, 1
  asin poscil ksamp, kfreq
  amic clip apiezzo, 0, db(-6)
  arm = asin * amic
  aout1 = arm * (1-idrum)
  aout2 = arm * idrum
   vincr gaout1, aout1
   vincr gaout2, aout2
  instr 71 ;turn audio off
  turnoff2 70, 0, 0
  instr 73 ;turn delay on 
    ;prints "\n DELAY ON ..."
    ;don't turn on if one instance is already on
    ;i73 active 73
  ifeedback = 0.95
  idrum = p4 
  ipiezzo = p5
  igain = p6
  ilim = db(-6)
    if ipiezzo == 1 then
      ain clip gain1, 0, ilim
      ain clip gain2, 0, ilim
  if1 = 20 
  if2 = 400 
  if3 = 20 
    if4 = 300
  kdel1 randomh 1/if1, 1/if2, 1 
  kdel2 randomh 1/if3, 1/if4, .9
  abuf1	delayr	gidel
  adel1 	deltap	kdel1
  		delayw	ain * igain + (adel1 * ifeedback)
  abuf2	delayr	gidel
  adel2 	deltap	kdel2		
  		delayw	ain * igain + (adel2 * ifeedback)
  aout sum adel1, adel2
  alim clip aout, 0, db(-3)
    if idrum == 1 then
      vincr gaout1, alim
      vincr gaout2, alim
      ;outch idrum, alim
  instr 74 ;turn delay off 
  ;prints "\n DELAY OFF ..."
  turnoff2 73, 0, 0
  instr 79 ;all off
    i60 active 60
    i65 active 65
    i73 active 73
    ;print i60, i65, i73
    if i60 > 0 then   ;stroboscopic light
      ;;turnoff2 60, 0, 0
      schedule 61, 0, 0.1
    if i65 > 0 then ;  ;rhythmic ligth
      schedule 66, 0, 0.1
    if i73 > 0 then  ;delay
      turnoff2 73, 0, 0.1
  instr 99
    aout1 = gaout1
    aout2 = gaout2
  outs aout1, aout2
  clear gain1, gain2, gaout1, gaout2
  f100 0 1024 	7	0	24	1	1000	0 ;envelope
  ;f2	 0 1024		-7	0	1	1	511 	1	1	0	511 	0 ;squarewave
  ;			p4		p5	
  ;			drum	freq
  i60 0	.5	14		8;giportrelay1
  i60 .5	.5	15		8; giportrelay2
  i61 1	.1
  i64 1.5 .1 ;turn both lights off
  i10 	2 86400 ;play for 24 h
  i9	2 86400 ;audio in->out
  i99     2 86400 ; Outputs + clear global variables

hmmm this works fine for me at boot. I am using 16 samples per block. Note: if you change the IDE settings (e.g.: samples per block) in order for those to be applied at boot, do the following:
- set the settings
- set the boot project to •none•
- set the boot project back to your project

This is a workaround for

Yes, I already was doing this to change the settings. Here it still does not work. I use 16 blocks and 44100 sr.
I made at some point an update of the bela system. But this shouldn't be the reason why it doesn't work.

try running in the console at the bottom of the IDE journalctl -u bela_startup -n 20000| cat and paste the full output of that command here.

  • luis replied to this.

    giuliomoro Here it is:

    root@bela ~/Bela# journalctl -u bela_startup -n 20000| cat
    -- Logs begin at Thu 2016-11-03 17:16:43 UTC, end at Sat 2022-11-05 10:17:24 UTC. --
    Nov 03 17:16:51 bela systemd[1]: Started Run Bela at boot.
    Nov 03 17:16:51 bela stdbuf[241]: make: Entering directory '/root/Bela'
    Nov 03 17:16:53 bela stdbuf[241]: make: Warning: File 'libraries/UdpClient/build/UdpClient.d' has modification time 189287783 s in the future
    Nov 03 17:16:53 bela stdbuf[241]: Running bash -c belacsound --csd=/root/Bela/projects/27_Ossos_Nov_2022/_main.csd -p16 -C4 -B16 -N0 -G1 -M0 -H0,-6 -H1,-6 -H2,-6 -H3,-6 -H4,-6 -H5,-6 -H6,-6 -H7,-6 -I0,10 -I1,10 -I2,10 -I3,10 -I4,10 -I5,10 -I6,10 -I7,10  -X0 2>&1
    Nov 03 17:16:55 bela stdbuf[241]: backtrace() returned 0 addresses
    Nov 03 17:16:55 bela stdbuf[241]: Csound tidy up: Segmentation fault
    Nov 03 17:16:55 bela stdbuf[241]: bash: line 1:   414 Segmentation fault      belacsound --csd=/root/Bela/projects/27_Ossos_Nov_2022/_main.csd -p16 -C4 -B16 -N0 -G1 -M0 -H0,-6 -H1,-6 -H2,-6 -H3,-6 -H4,-6 -H5,-6 -H6,-6 -H7,-6 -I0,10 -I1,10 -I2,10 -I3,10 -I4,10 -I5,10 -I6,10 -I7,10 -X0 2>&1
    Nov 03 17:16:55 bela stdbuf[241]: Makefile:612: recipe for target 'runonly' failed
    Nov 03 17:16:55 bela stdbuf[241]: make: *** [runonly] Error 139
    Nov 03 17:16:55 bela stdbuf[241]: make: Leaving directory '/root/Bela'
    Nov 03 17:16:55 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=2/INVALIDARGUMENT
    Nov 03 17:16:56 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Unit entered failed state.
    Nov 03 17:16:56 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    Nov 03 17:16:56 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
    Nov 03 17:16:56 bela systemd[1]: Stopped Run Bela at boot.
    Nov 03 17:16:56 bela systemd[1]: Started Run Bela at boot.
    Nov 03 17:16:56 bela stdbuf[497]: make: Entering directory '/root/Bela'
    Nov 03 17:16:56 bela stdbuf[497]: make: Warning: File 'libraries/UdpClient/build/UdpClient.d' has modification time 189287779 s in the future
    Nov 03 17:16:56 bela stdbuf[497]: Running bash -c belacsound --csd=/root/Bela/projects/27_Ossos_Nov_2022/_main.csd -p16 -C4 -B16 -N0 -G1 -M0 -H0,-6 -H1,-6 -H2,-6 -H3,-6 -H4,-6 -H5,-6 -H6,-6 -H7,-6 -I0,10 -I1,10 -I2,10 -I3,10 -I4,10 -I5,10 -I6,10 -I7,10  -X0 2>&1
    Nov 03 17:16:56 bela stdbuf[497]: backtrace() returned 0 addresses
    Nov 03 17:16:56 bela stdbuf[497]: Csound tidy up: Segmentation fault
    Nov 03 17:16:57 bela stdbuf[497]: bash: line 1:   525 Segmentation fault      belacsound --csd=/root/Bela/projects/27_Ossos_Nov_2022/_main.csd -p16 -C4 -B16 -N0 -G1 -M0 -H0,-6 -H1,-6 -H2,-6 -H3,-6 -H4,-6 -H5,-6 -H6,-6 -H7,-6 -I0,10 -I1,10 -I2,10 -I3,10 -I4,10 -I5,10 -I6,10 -I7,10 -X0 2>&1
    Nov 03 17:16:57 bela stdbuf[497]: Makefile:612: recipe for target 'runonly' failed
    Nov 03 17:16:57 bela stdbuf[497]: make: *** [runonly] Error 139
    Nov 03 17:16:57 bela stdbuf[497]: make: Leaving directory '/root/Bela'
    Nov 03 17:16:57 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=2/INVALIDARGUMENT
    Nov 03 17:16:57 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Unit entered failed state.
    Nov 03 17:16:57 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    Nov 03 17:16:57 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
    Nov 03 17:16:57 bela systemd[1]: Stopped Run Bela at boot.
    Nov 03 17:16:57 bela systemd[1]: Started Run Bela at boot.
    Nov 03 17:16:57 bela stdbuf[530]: make: Entering directory '/root/Bela'
    Nov 03 17:16:58 bela stdbuf[530]: make: Warning: File 'libraries/UdpClient/build/UdpClient.d' has modification time 189287778 s in the future
    Nov 03 17:16:58 bela stdbuf[530]: Running bash -c belacsound --csd=/root/Bela/projects/27_Ossos_Nov_2022/_main.csd -p16 -C4 -B16 -N0 -G1 -M0 -H0,-6 -H1,-6 -H2,-6 -H3,-6 -H4,-6 -H5,-6 -H6,-6 -H7,-6 -I0,10 -I1,10 -I2,10 -I3,10 -I4,10 -I5,10 -I6,10 -I7,10  -X0 2>&1
    Nov 03 17:16:58 bela stdbuf[530]: backtrace() returned 0 addresses
    Nov 03 17:16:58 bela stdbuf[530]: Csound tidy up: Segmentation fault
    Nov 03 17:16:59 bela stdbuf[530]: bash: line 1:   556 Segmentation fault      belacsound --csd=/root/Bela/projects/27_Ossos_Nov_2022/_main.csd -p16 -C4 -B16 -N0 -G1 -M0 -H0,-6 -H1,-6 -H2,-6 -H3,-6 -H4,-6 -H5,-6 -H6,-6 -H7,-6 -I0,10 -I1,10 -I2,10 -I3,10 -I4,10 -I5,10 -I6,10 -I7,10 -X0 2>&1
    Nov 03 17:16:59 bela stdbuf[530]: Makefile:612: recipe for target 'runonly' failed
    Nov 03 17:16:59 bela stdbuf[530]: make: *** [runonly] Error 139
    Nov 03 17:16:59 bela stdbuf[530]: make: Leaving directory '/root/Bela'
    Nov 03 17:16:59 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=2/INVALIDARGUMENT
    Nov 03 17:16:59 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Unit entered failed state.
    Nov 03 17:16:59 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    Nov 03 17:16:59 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
    Nov 03 17:16:59 bela systemd[1]: Stopped Run Bela at boot.
    Nov 03 17:16:59 bela systemd[1]: Started Run Bela at boot.
    Nov 03 17:16:59 bela stdbuf[564]: make: Entering directory '/root/Bela'
    Nov 03 17:16:59 bela stdbuf[564]: make: Warning: File 'libraries/UdpClient/build/UdpClient.d' has modification time 189287776 s in the future
    Nov 03 17:17:00 bela stdbuf[564]: Running bash -c belacsound --csd=/root/Bela/projects/27_Ossos_Nov_2022/_main.csd -p16 -C4 -B16 -N0 -G1 -M0 -H0,-6 -H1,-6 -H2,-6 -H3,-6 -H4,-6 -H5,-6 -H6,-6 -H7,-6 -I0,10 -I1,10 -I2,10 -I3,10 -I4,10 -I5,10 -I6,10 -I7,10  -X0 2>&1
    Nov 03 17:17:00 bela stdbuf[564]: backtrace() returned 0 addresses
    Nov 03 17:17:00 bela stdbuf[564]: Csound tidy up: Segmentation fault
    Nov 03 17:17:00 bela stdbuf[564]: bash: line 1:   590 Segmentation fault      belacsound --csd=/root/Bela/projects/27_Ossos_Nov_2022/_main.csd -p16 -C4 -B16 -N0 -G1 -M0 -H0,-6 -H1,-6 -H2,-6 -H3,-6 -H4,-6 -H5,-6 -H6,-6 -H7,-6 -I0,10 -I1,10 -I2,10 -I3,10 -I4,10 -I5,10 -I6,10 -I7,10 -X0 2>&1
    Nov 03 17:17:00 bela stdbuf[564]: Makefile:612: recipe for target 'runonly' failed
    Nov 03 17:17:00 bela stdbuf[564]: make: *** [runonly] Error 139
    Nov 03 17:17:00 bela stdbuf[564]: make: Leaving directory '/root/Bela'
    Nov 03 17:17:00 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=2/INVALIDARGUMENT
    Nov 03 17:17:00 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Unit entered failed state.
    Nov 03 17:17:00 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    Nov 03 17:17:01 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
    Nov 03 17:17:01 bela systemd[1]: Stopped Run Bela at boot.
    Nov 03 17:17:01 bela systemd[1]: Started Run Bela at boot.
    Nov 03 17:17:01 bela stdbuf[595]: make: Entering directory '/root/Bela'
    Nov 03 17:17:01 bela stdbuf[595]: make: Warning: File 'libraries/UdpClient/build/UdpClient.d' has modification time 189287774 s in the future
    Nov 03 17:17:01 bela stdbuf[595]: Running bash -c belacsound --csd=/root/Bela/projects/27_Ossos_Nov_2022/_main.csd -p16 -C4 -B16 -N0 -G1 -M0 -H0,-6 -H1,-6 -H2,-6 -H3,-6 -H4,-6 -H5,-6 -H6,-6 -H7,-6 -I0,10 -I1,10 -I2,10 -I3,10 -I4,10 -I5,10 -I6,10 -I7,10  -X0 2>&1
    Nov 03 17:17:02 bela stdbuf[595]: backtrace() returned 0 addresses
    Nov 03 17:17:02 bela stdbuf[595]: Csound tidy up: Segmentation fault
    Nov 03 17:17:02 bela stdbuf[595]: bash: line 1:   624 Segmentation fault      belacsound --csd=/root/Bela/projects/27_Ossos_Nov_2022/_main.csd -p16 -C4 -B16 -N0 -G1 -M0 -H0,-6 -H1,-6 -H2,-6 -H3,-6 -H4,-6 -H5,-6 -H6,-6 -H7,-6 -I0,10 -I1,10 -I2,10 -I3,10 -I4,10 -I5,10 -I6,10 -I7,10 -X0 2>&1
    Nov 03 17:17:02 bela stdbuf[595]: Makefile:612: recipe for target 'runonly' failed
    Nov 03 17:17:02 bela stdbuf[595]: make: *** [runonly] Error 139
    Nov 03 17:17:02 bela stdbuf[595]: make: Leaving directory '/root/Bela'
    Nov 03 17:17:02 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=2/INVALIDARGUMENT
    Nov 03 17:17:02 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Unit entered failed state.
    Nov 03 17:17:02 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    Nov 03 17:17:02 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
    Nov 03 17:17:02 bela systemd[1]: Stopped Run Bela at boot.
    Nov 03 17:17:02 bela systemd[1]: Started Run Bela at boot.
    Nov 03 17:17:03 bela stdbuf[629]: make: Entering directory '/root/Bela'
    Nov 03 17:17:03 bela stdbuf[629]: make: Warning: File 'libraries/UdpClient/build/UdpClient.d' has modification time 189287772 s in the future
    Nov 03 17:17:03 bela stdbuf[629]: Running bash -c belacsound --csd=/root/Bela/projects/27_Ossos_Nov_2022/_main.csd -p16 -C4 -B16 -N0 -G1 -M0 -H0,-6 -H1,-6 -H2,-6 -H3,-6 -H4,-6 -H5,-6 -H6,-6 -H7,-6 -I0,10 -I1,10 -I2,10 -I3,10 -I4,10 -I5,10 -I6,10 -I7,10  -X0 2>&1
    Nov 03 17:17:04 bela stdbuf[629]: backtrace() returned 0 addresses
    Nov 03 17:17:04 bela stdbuf[629]: Csound tidy up: Segmentation fault
    Nov 03 17:17:04 bela stdbuf[629]: bash: line 1:   655 Segmentation fault      belacsound --csd=/root/Bela/projects/27_Ossos_Nov_2022/_main.csd -p16 -C4 -B16 -N0 -G1 -M0 -H0,-6 -H1,-6 -H2,-6 -H3,-6 -H4,-6 -H5,-6 -H6,-6 -H7,-6 -I0,10 -I1,10 -I2,10 -I3,10 -I4,10 -I5,10 -I6,10 -I7,10 -X0 2>&1
    Nov 03 17:17:04 bela stdbuf[629]: Makefile:612: recipe for target 'runonly' failed
    Nov 03 17:17:04 bela stdbuf[629]: make: *** [runonly] Error 139
    Nov 03 17:17:04 bela stdbuf[629]: make: Leaving directory '/root/Bela'
    Nov 03 17:17:04 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=2/INVALIDARGUMENT
    Nov 03 17:17:04 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Unit entered failed state.
    Nov 03 17:17:04 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    Nov 03 17:17:04 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
    Nov 03 17:17:04 bela systemd[1]: Stopped Run Bela at boot.
    Nov 03 17:17:04 bela systemd[1]: Started Run Bela at boot.
    Nov 03 17:17:04 bela stdbuf[660]: make: Entering directory '/root/Bela'
    Nov 03 17:17:05 bela stdbuf[660]: make: Warning: File 'libraries/UdpClient/build/UdpClient.d' has modification time 189287770 s in the future
    Nov 03 17:17:05 bela stdbuf[660]: Running bash -c belacsound --csd=/root/Bela/projects/27_Ossos_Nov_2022/_main.csd -p16 -C4 -B16 -N0 -G1 -M0 -H0,-6 -H1,-6 -H2,-6 -H3,-6 -H4,-6 -H5,-6 -H6,-6 -H7,-6 -I0,10 -I1,10 -I2,10 -I3,10 -I4,10 -I5,10 -I6,10 -I7,10  -X0 2>&1
    Nov 03 17:17:05 bela stdbuf[660]: backtrace() returned 0 addresses
    Nov 03 17:17:05 bela stdbuf[660]: Csound tidy up: Segmentation fault
    Nov 03 17:17:06 bela stdbuf[660]: bash: line 1:   686 Segmentation fault      belacsound --csd=/root/Bela/projects/27_Ossos_Nov_2022/_main.csd -p16 -C4 -B16 -N0 -G1 -M0 -H0,-6 -H1,-6 -H2,-6 -H3,-6 -H4,-6 -H5,-6 -H6,-6 -H7,-6 -I0,10 -I1,10 -I2,10 -I3,10 -I4,10 -I5,10 -I6,10 -I7,10 -X0 2>&1
    Nov 03 17:17:06 bela stdbuf[660]: Makefile:612: recipe for target 'runonly' failed
    Nov 03 17:17:06 bela stdbuf[660]: make: *** [runonly] Error 139
    Nov 03 17:17:06 bela stdbuf[660]: make: Leaving directory '/root/Bela'
    Nov 03 17:17:06 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=2/INVALIDARGUMENT
    Nov 03 17:17:06 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Unit entered failed state.
    Nov 03 17:17:06 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    Nov 03 17:17:06 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
    Nov 03 17:17:06 bela systemd[1]: Stopped Run Bela at boot.
    Nov 03 17:17:06 bela systemd[1]: Started Run Bela at boot.
    Nov 03 17:17:06 bela stdbuf[691]: make: Entering directory '/root/Bela'
    Nov 03 17:17:06 bela stdbuf[691]: make: Warning: File 'libraries/UdpClient/build/UdpClient.d' has modification time 189287769 s in the future
    Nov 03 17:17:07 bela stdbuf[691]: Running bash -c belacsound --csd=/root/Bela/projects/27_Ossos_Nov_2022/_main.csd -p16 -C4 -B16 -N0 -G1 -M0 -H0,-6 -H1,-6 -H2,-6 -H3,-6 -H4,-6 -H5,-6 -H6,-6 -H7,-6 -I0,10 -I1,10 -I2,10 -I3,10 -I4,10 -I5,10 -I6,10 -I7,10  -X0 2>&1
    Nov 03 17:17:07 bela stdbuf[691]: backtrace() returned 0 addresses
    Nov 03 17:17:07 bela stdbuf[691]: Csound tidy up: Segmentation fault
    Nov 03 17:17:07 bela stdbuf[691]: bash: line 1:   717 Segmentation fault      belacsound --csd=/root/Bela/projects/27_Ossos_Nov_2022/_main.csd -p16 -C4 -B16 -N0 -G1 -M0 -H0,-6 -H1,-6 -H2,-6 -H3,-6 -H4,-6 -H5,-6 -H6,-6 -H7,-6 -I0,10 -I1,10 -I2,10 -I3,10 -I4,10 -I5,10 -I6,10 -I7,10 -X0 2>&1
    Nov 03 17:17:07 bela stdbuf[691]: Makefile:612: recipe for target 'runonly' failed
    Nov 03 17:17:07 bela stdbuf[691]: make: *** [runonly] Error 139
    Nov 03 17:17:07 bela stdbuf[691]: make: Leaving directory '/root/Bela'
    Nov 03 17:17:07 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=2/INVALIDARGUMENT
    Nov 03 17:17:07 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Unit entered failed state.
    Nov 03 17:17:07 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    Nov 03 17:17:07 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
    Nov 03 17:17:07 bela systemd[1]: Stopped Run Bela at boot.
    Nov 03 17:17:07 bela systemd[1]: Started Run Bela at boot.
    Nov 03 17:17:08 bela stdbuf[722]: make: Entering directory '/root/Bela'
    Nov 03 17:17:08 bela stdbuf[722]: make: Warning: File 'libraries/UdpClient/build/UdpClient.d' has modification time 189287767 s in the future
    Nov 03 17:17:08 bela stdbuf[722]: Running bash -c belacsound --csd=/root/Bela/projects/27_Ossos_Nov_2022/_main.csd -p16 -C4 -B16 -N0 -G1 -M0 -H0,-6 -H1,-6 -H2,-6 -H3,-6 -H4,-6 -H5,-6 -H6,-6 -H7,-6 -I0,10 -I1,10 -I2,10 -I3,10 -I4,10 -I5,10 -I6,10 -I7,10  -X0 2>&1
    Nov 03 17:17:08 bela stdbuf[722]: backtrace() returned 0 addresses
    Nov 03 17:17:08 bela stdbuf[722]: Csound tidy up: Segmentation fault
    Nov 03 17:17:09 bela stdbuf[722]: bash: line 1:   752 Segmentation fault      belacsound --csd=/root/Bela/projects/27_Ossos_Nov_2022/_main.csd -p16 -C4 -B16 -N0 -G1 -M0 -H0,-6 -H1,-6 -H2,-6 -H3,-6 -H4,-6 -H5,-6 -H6,-6 -H7,-6 -I0,10 -I1,10 -I2,10 -I3,10 -I4,10 -I5,10 -I6,10 -I7,10 -X0 2>&1
    Nov 03 17:17:09 bela stdbuf[722]: Makefile:612: recipe for target 'runonly' failed
    Nov 03 17:17:09 bela stdbuf[722]: make: *** [runonly] Error 139
    Nov 03 17:17:09 bela stdbuf[722]: make: Leaving directory '/root/Bela'
    Nov 03 17:17:09 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=2/INVALIDARGUMENT
    Nov 03 17:17:09 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Unit entered failed state.
    Nov 03 17:17:09 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    Nov 03 17:17:09 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
    Nov 03 17:17:09 bela systemd[1]: Stopped Run Bela at boot.
    Nov 03 17:17:09 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
    Nov 03 17:17:09 bela systemd[1]: Failed to start Run Bela at boot.
    Nov 03 17:17:09 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Unit entered failed state.
    Nov 03 17:17:09 bela systemd[1]: bela_startup.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

    Can you tell me what the state of the digital inputs is when the board powers up? I.e.: I assume you connected some buttons to each of them, are the digital inputs normally high or low when the buttons are not pressed?

    I have 10 capacitive sensors connected to the digital ports and two relays. They should be low at start.

    can you try installing csound 6.18 from here to see if that fixes it? Copy it to the board and run dpkg -i csound-6.18.11-Linux.deb to install

    Thanks. The link seams not to work.

    4 days later

    I finally managed to update to csound 6.18 and it works! Thanks for your help!

    Great I will make that the official release then

      One more thing i was wondering: I always used to work with firefox to access the IDE. Is there any advantage using Google Chrome? Is there any known issue with firefox?

        luis Is there any known issue with firefox?

        no. If you see "Chrome" somewhere in our docs is mostly legacy

        2 months later

        Thanks for the useful tip - I was seeing the same problem where my Csound projects selected to run on boot would fail with a Segmentation fault.

        I can confirm that upgrading to csound 6.18 from the link above has resolved this issue.


        7 days later

        Hey I have a similar issue that goes off in a different direction.
        My Pepper/Bela is confused.

        I can't get any program to run. I see all the examples in the browser in the IDE. But for example trying to run \example Digital/digital-input/render.cpp I get the following:

        Building project ...
        Building render.cpp...
        Makefile:494: recipe for target '/root/Bela/projects/exampleTempProject/build/render.o' failed
        Build finished
        sh: printf: I/O error
        mkdir: cannot create directory '/root/Bela/projects/exampleTempProject/build': No space left on device
        mkdir: cannot create directory '/root/Bela/projects/exampleTempProject/build/': No space left on device
        error: unable to open output file '/root/Bela/projects/exampleTempProject/build/render.ii': 'No such file or directory'
        error: error opening '/root/Bela/projects/exampleTempProject/build/render.d': No such file or directory
        2 errors generated.
        make: *** [/root/Bela/projects/exampleTempProject/build/render.o] Error 1

        Then other examples I click on I get Error: ENOSPC: no space left on device, write

        Downloaded bela master zip and tried running and I get this:

        Last login: Sun Jan 15 20:27:17 on ttys000
        /Users/michaelschulze/Downloads/Bela-master/scripts/update_board ; exit;

        The default interactive shell is now zsh.
        To update your account to use zsh, please run chsh -s /bin/zsh.
        For more details, please visit
        MacBook-Pro-(2):~ michaelschulze$ /Users/michaelschulze/Downloads/Bela-master/scripts/update_board ; exit;
        Checking the board is up and running at root@ Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
        Board found at root@
        Updating the Bela core code in root@
        All the changes to the CORE files in the remote folder /root/Bela will be LOST. The content of these files/folders will be lost:
        core include Makefile Makefile.libraries Makefile.linkbela examples Doxyfile scripts resources pru libraries
        Your projects stored in /root/Bela/projects should be safe (and surely you have already backed them up somewhere safe, haven't you?).
        Are you sure you want to continue? (y/N) y
        Updating Bela core files to remote folder /root/Bela
        Stopping Bela...done
        Updating files......done
        make: Nothing to be done for 'library'.
        make: Nothing to be done for 'library'.
        make: Nothing to be done for 'library'.
        make: Nothing to be done for 'library'.
        make: Nothing to be done for 'library'.
        make: Entering directory '/root/Bela/resources/tools/bela-cape-btn'
        make: Leaving directory '/root/Bela/resources/tools/bela-cape-btn'
        make: Entering directory '/root/Bela/resources/tools/board_detect'
        cp board_detect /usr/local/bin/
        make: Leaving directory '/root/Bela/resources/tools/board_detect'
        make: Entering directory '/root/Bela/resources/tools/mcasp-dump-tool'
        cp mcasp-dump-tool /usr/local/bin/
        make: Leaving directory '/root/Bela/resources/tools/mcasp-dump-tool'

        An error occurred.
        Saving session...
        ...copying shared history...
        ...saving history...truncating history files...

        [Process completed]

        Tried update Bela from the IDE, navigated to, I get this:

        Beginning update - this may take several minutes
        The browser will temporarily disconnect, and may become unresponsive
        Do not use the IDE during this process
        Upload completed, saving update file...

        It hangs at this stage so I refresh browser and get:

        Error: ENOSPC: no space left on device, write Error: ENOSPC: no space left on device, write

        Help? 🙂

        Ram out of space on disk... Were you running a program at boot that produced a lot of text for a long time?

        I suggest starting with running this in the console at the bottom of the Bela IDE:

        rm -rf /var/log /var/cache /root/_*

        Then reboot and run df -h / to see how much space has freed up. You can also look at du -h /root/Bela/projects/ | sort -h to see if any of your Bela projects are taking up a lot of space.