Floris 1) [91mError[0m pd2hv: trill in "main.pd/trill" @ (x:20, y:2): Don't know how to parse object "list". Is it an object supported by Heavy? Is it an abstraction? Have the search paths been correctly configured?
2) [91mError[0m pd2hv: trill in "main.pd/trill" @ (x:20, y:2): There was an error while connecting two objects. Have all objects been correctly instantiated? Have all inlets and outlets been declared?
3) [91mError[0m pd2hv: [comment text] in "main.pd/trill" @ (x:0, y:0): Connection made to non-existent inlet at [comment {u'text': 'null object placeholder (list)'}]:0.
these are because you have the [list]
object in your patch, which is unsupported by hvcc.

You can simply remove those objects as they are not doing anything there.
The other patch has some more issues:
- it uses that same
which you can similarly delete
- it uses
and [expr~ $v1 > $v2]
. These can be replaced by heavylib's [hv.vline]
and [hv.gt]
, respectively.
The recommended workflow to build a program with heavy/hvcc is:
- install this version of hvcc on your computer https://github.com/giuliomoro/hvcc/ (requires git, python 3.7 and pip3). From a terminal run:
git clone https://github.com/giuliomoro/hvcc.git
cd hvcc/
pip3 install -e .
- then get a copy of the Bela repository (dev branch) on your computer and update the code on Bela:
git clone https://github.com/BelaPlatform/Bela.git
cd Bela
git checkout dev
./scripts/update_board -y
- once the above is done you can run the following script to build Pd patches into a Bela project. From within the Bela folder, run:
scripts/build_pd_hvcc.sh path/to/your/vocoder_main.pd -c "-p64" -p PROJECTNAME
Update instructions: in case you already have done the above but want to update to the latest hvcc
and Bela support for hvcc:
NOTE: after updating the Bela core code (as done above when running update_board
), the next time you build any project may take a long time.
ANOTHER NOTE: the first time you build a project created with hvcc, it will take a long time to build. Successive builds will be faster, but still take around 30-40 seconds.
However, currently there is no Trill support on Bela+hvcc. Let me add it right now and get back to you.