I've been trying to use a pair of analog I/O, but sensors seem to get way too noisy when connected there. Am I supposed to use the same voltage divider I'd use while connecting HCSR04 to digital I/O? I'm asking because I'm getting quite meaningless values from analog I/O and I'm wondering if it might depend on that, since I've tried different 5V and GND pins across Bela, different individual sensors and cable sets and different pin pairs, and still get completely messed up readings.
I will make some more attempts to use analog outputs and digital inputs, but if the aim was to avoid digital ins I'll fall onto the same problem again.
About your question, yes, all 3 sensors display the same behavior after the same time. They basically go coherently off scale - this makes me think of a couple more "drastic" solutions, or possible solutions. One is to just count some time before subtracting -50 from each of them, repeatedly - it's not a very clean nor elegant way, but it could work. The other would be to hardcore powering Bela off and on every now and then.. for the way the patch works now, every 6 seconds of no movement detected from the radar all the synth sequences etc. are cleared anyway. So I'm thinking since this installation is gonna be on for a day, I might just take 2 technical minutes between each group coming in to literally reboot Bela manually (unless there is a way to program cyclical reboots of Bela).
I'm getting too sloppy with these ideas tho, I hope I can sort it out in a neater way.