I finally wrote a pd object (my first one, be indulgent).
But let's say it immediately: it doesn't work very well, I get an error on each call (bang):
[n] mode switches detected on the audio thread.
(n begin at 1 and is incremented on each error)
Here is the compiled object for Bela, and source code. It is based on time.h. Maybe you have an idea on how to improve. It works on linux.
The object [ahora n] works as follow:
outlets, floats, from left to right:
arg: number between 1 - 5. The number of active outlet active when inlet banged, from left to right (ex: 3 means hour,min,sec). None, 0 or >5 means all outlets actives.
-bang: outputs time and date following creation arg.
-message year, month, day, hour, min, sec outputs corresponding element, regardless of creation arg