• General
  • Upgrading to Pd 0.50 or 0.51


On this forum, there was a "promise" somewhere in 2019 that Bela would upgrade Pd version from 0.48 to 0.50. Is the last release of Pd available ? ( and where to find it ?).
There are some annoying bugs in Pd 0.48 with netsend which have been corrected and this could be great for using Bela better.
Thank you for your help.

I always promise those things, don't I? I always get to the point where it's almost ready to release and then I stop because something else more urgent (or exciting) comes up.

I did quite some work a few months ago to update it and bring it closer to mainline, but I was waiting (perhaps too hopeful) for an upstream response before publishing a release ... now I have spent an hour building it on Bela and it fails in a new and unexpected way ... I will try again soon, but now I am going to bed.

5 days later

giuliomoro Hi Giulo,
Many thanks for providing the libpd-0.51 !

I will test it and give you feed back ASAP.

ow! that might be interesting..
finish current project first, will test after!

a month later

giuliomoro Hello, sorry for not replying earlier. From my side, I did not notice any bug. So, last version is fine. Thank you for providing this latest version.

2 months later

Is 0.51 now already part of the Bela software distribution?

no not yet, one still needs to follow the above procedure to install it