• Hardware
  • failed to write register 1 on codec...

I'm getting somewhat similar message on Bela Mini:

Error: unable to initialise audio codec
Error: unable to initialise audio
Makefile:613: recipe for target 'runide' failed
make: *** [runide] Error 1

It happens from time to time and power cycling (hard reset) usually helps.

I'm suspecting this might have something to do with two unusual usage scenarios I'm exercising:
1. I'm using the "hidden" analog inputs on PocketBeagle (as discussed in this thread https://forum.bela.io/d/1054-lots-of-inputs-what-are-my-options/22 ) and @giuliomoro mentioned that this method is "not real-time safe at all" - I thought it means that there's a chance of audio drop-outs at most, but maybe the method messes something up in the audio codec as well - could it be so?
2. In this particular Bela Mini I didn't solder the cape directly to the PocketBeagle - I'm using male and female pin stripes soldered to the cape and PocketBeagle, respectively, so in case of any damage it would be easier to disconnect them and replace the broken part. Could it be that the pin-to-pin connection is loose at some critical pins, which causes the issue?

    krzysztofcybulski Error: unable to initialise audio codec

    This means that the codec initialisation didn't go well. Besides gnd and 3v3, the i2c2 scl and sda pins are the only relevant ones at this stage. Is your mini's pins were sawn and placed into regular sockets, it may be that the length of some of them is not quite enough to make a reliable contact and this may be causing the occasional glitch.

    krzysztofcybulski not real-time safe at all" - I thought it means that there's a chance of audio drop-outs at most, but maybe the method messes something up in the audio codec as well - could it be so?

    that won't cause any trouble. The reading is not real-time safe, therefore it takes place in a different thread. But that won't affect codec initialisation, which is what is causing trouble here.

    I don't want to get too optimistic too soon, but it looks like I've found the possible cause of the issue - I was trying to read the "hidden" PocketBeagle analog ins, while reading the "regular" analog ins at the same time by using [bang~] and [snapshot~]. When using each set of analog ins separately, it didn't seem to cause much issue, but when I've used them together, this might have been a little too much for Bela, possibly. I've replaced [bang~] with [metro] and the issue dissapeared (for the time being, at least).

      krzysztofcybulski When using each set of analog ins separately, it didn't seem to cause much issue, but when I've used them together, this might have been a little too much for Bela, possibly. I've replaced [bang~] with [metro] and the issue dissapeared (for the time being, at least)

      [bang~] + [snapshot~] surely increase CPU usage compared to a lower-frequency [metro]. But none of that should explain this error:

      krzysztofcybulski Error: unable to initialise audio codec
      Error: unable to initialise audio

      as codec is talked to before processing of the Pd patch even starts ...