Please consider updating Csound on the Bela to the latest version - 6.15

There are many new opcodes and features that were added specifically for Bela work
- especially the new Trill opcode!



@csounder as in: please test this, I have done only basic testing and I don't know how to test the Trill opcodes.

Thanks so much. This seems to be working and to include many of the latest opcodes - some specifically designed to improve the work with the Bela! I say "most" because, it seems that the most important new opcode - the new "trill" opcode, is missing and was not added to the sources or the latest build...yet ;-(

  • I saw Trill+Csound demos by Bernt at a summer Csound Zoom Meeting.
  • It was announced in August with the release and documented in "What's new in Csound 6.15"
  • But it seems that it never showed up and I didn't notice until yesterday when I was teaching the Bela to my students who all have Trills (up until now, we have been using the csound6~ object in Pd and getting our Trills connected to Csound through that roundabout route.)
  • Today, John ffitch and I could not find the code or the manPage. It's a ghost - a Halloween mystery.

Well, there are many other things that did make it into the latest and hopefully soon there will be a set of trill opcodes too.

I will continue testing things and am very excited to have the latest Csound on the Bela.

Here are the steps that I followed to install your lastest update of Csound 6.15:

2020 - Oct 16 - How I installed the latest (based on Alex Hoffmann’s previous instructions)

  1. On my computer, I download the .deb package:
  2. In the Bela IDE, I made a new C++ project, and called it 'updateCsound'
  3. I dragged the downloaded csound-6.15-bela1.deb into the new project
    (this copied the file to the Bela)
  4. I then opened my Terminal and logged into the Bela by typing: ssh root@bela.local
  5. Once logged into the Bela (it says “root@bela:” at the beginning of the line)
    I typed: apt install ~/Bela/projects/updateCsound/csound-6.15-bela1.deb
  6. Then I tested by running one of the Bela Csound-examples (e.g. 0-hello-world)
  7. Then I tested some of my own .csd files and files from The Csound Manual
    (in CsOptions, I added the -z commandline flag to list all the opcodes and in the Bela console, I checked for new opcodes such as sterrain and cntCreate)
  8. Once I saw that the version of Csound that was running was Csound 6.15 and new opcodes were there, I deleted the 'updateCsound' project


    giuliomoro. I see it! (Forgive me for not noticing it.). I do all my preliminary testing (and all of my teaching at Berklee) on the Mac using the CsoundQt IDE. (when one does a -z command to see a listing of all the current opcodes in the console, it does not appear there.). With john ffitch, I do opcode development work in the terminal
    (he doesn't have a Bela... yet... ;-). (I will be ordering him one and a trill later tonight!). Today, during our weekly Zoom development session, we could not find the trill code and did not see it in the manual or in the current Mac or Linux build. When I typed the -z command to see the listing of opcodes in the current Csound on Bela, it sometimes runs out of characters or lines and does not show the complete list. I just got it to show the complete list and YES - I see that trill is there. Now... what to do with it. I was waiting for Bernt (the opcode developer) to share a few models. I will try a few things but that would mostly have me poking around in the dark at this point. I really have to wait for him. I will email him again and see if he has something he can share with me/us.

      csounder I have asked Bernt for a few examples to get us started. This weekend, I will make a few that build on your Pd models, but connect my trills to csound instruments from there. Hopefully, we will have a nice set of simple Csound "trill" example .csd files for you in the near future - and THANKS. All awesome stuff. Exciting. Dr.B.

      @csounder I have found a piece of example code that Bernt had given me:

      /***** Trill.csd *****/
      ; Input from Trill sensors - Csound on Bela
      ;   * Bernt I. Wærstad, Victor Lazzarini, Alex Hofmann
      ; This example shows how to read values from Trill sensors
      ; connected to the Bela. Go to to get started
      ; with connecting Trill to Bela 
      ksmps = 8
      nchnls = 2
      0dbfs = 1
        instr 1
          iNumTouches = 5
          iTrillID = 0
          kactiveTouches init 0
          ktouchSizes[] init iNumTouches
          ktouchVert[] init iNumTouches
          ktouchHori[] init iNumTouches
          kactiveTouches, ktouchSizes, ktouchVert, ktouchHori trill iNumTouches, iTrillID
          printk2 kactiveTouches
          ktrig_v changed2 ktouchVert
          ktrig_h changed2 ktouchHori
          ktrig = ktrig_v + ktrig_h
          printarray ktouchVert, ktrig, "","Vertical:"
          printarray ktouchHori, ktrig, "", "Horisontal"
      i1 0 86400

        giuliomoro AWESOME!!!! Can't wait to give it a run !!!! I will let you know and then start flying. Dr.B.

        This is working! I have added some synthesis elements and am sliding pitches all over the place!
        - now to refine things a bit and get a better understanding of things and implement some smarter and more musical designs. AWESOME.