While working on a simple Csound test with OSC, I realise that the OSCinit, OSCsend and OSCreceive opcodes are missing in Bela. Is there any reason that these are not implemented or is it just because Bela does not use liblo which mandatory for the csound OSC opcodes ?
Could I safely build and install liblo on my Bela without breaking anything ?
Any help is welcome,
thank you

Thank you @giuliomoro .
On the top of that, it is impossibile to compile csound natively on the board. It looks that there is a bug in the CMake files ( include files under <libraries/..> like Midi.h) are not found. But not being expert on this, I am sorry that I cannot help further.
Looking forward to next release..

13 days later

I will try to remove some of those Bela-specific Midi when I can, because they make more confusion than what's needed IMHO. See here.

    a month later

    giuliomoro Hello Guilo, is there any date foreseen for the next release ( not sure if you were talking about Bela OS or solely about a bela specific Csound 6.15 release (as CS 6.15 is out already.. but not fixed for Bela).
    Thank you.

    5 days later