We are excited to announce that we just released a course on C++ Real-Time Audio Programming with Bela. This is aimed at beginner to intermediate C++ users, so if you have so far been using Bela with other languages and you are interested in tipping you toes in C++, this is a great occasion. If you know your C++ stuff, you may still want to check out some of the more advanced topics (ARM/NEON assembly, state machines, fixed-point maths, timing, block-based processing).
During the course you will learn:
- Writing real-time audio code in C++
- Running that code on embedded hardware
- Creating musical instruments, audio effects and synth modules
- Turning digital signal processing theory into working code
New lessons will be coming out twice a week for a few months, covering programming topics such as:
Working in real time, Buffers and arrays, Parameter control, Classes and objects, Analog and digital I/O, Filtering, Circular buffers, Timing in real time, State machines, MIDI, Block-based processing, Threads, Fixed point arithmetic, ARM assembly language
all of this while building audio signal processors that implement:
Oscillators, Samples, Wavetables, Filters, Control voltages, Gates and triggers, Delays and delay-based effects, Metronomes and clocks, Envelopes, ADSR, MIDI, Additive synthesis, Phase vocoders, Impulse reverb
Subscribe to our youtube channel so that you don't miss any of the upcoming classes, and feel free to share this with your friends on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Af a "getting started" lesson 0 last week, the course has fully started today with lesson 1, and the next class will be out this Friday at 5pm.
Note: you will need up-to-date Bela code to follow along with the course, as the example code relies on some of the latest features we added (namely the slider Gui via the GuiController library). Updating your board is covered in lesson 0.
As you'd expect, you can find support here on the forum, using the "Online C++ course" tag.