Hi all,
I'm not able to connect to the IDE, after trying just about every troubleshooting step possible. Can you help?
Putting all of the relevant data in bullet points below.
Hardware: BBB and Bela cape bought as 'Bela Starter Kit' July 2017, Macbook Pro running OS 10.15.3 (Catalina)
After a long period not using the Bela, I hooked it up via USB. The disk image didn't appear as it usually had done.
I ran through all of the steps in the GitHub > Updating Bela > Updating with the update_board script . However, the script would not run sucessfully.
I moved on to the 'Manage your SD card' page. Eventually I did flash the disk successfully, and it comes up as 'BELABOOT' when inserted into the Mac.
However, inserting the SD card into the BBB/Bela and booting up, the disk image did not appear. I moved on to 'Booting Problems' on the same page.
I ran through Option 1 (using the jumper cables). The disk image appeared successfully, but I could not connect to the IDE (trying in two different browsers).
Option 2 was conditional on having "ssh access to the image on the eMMC". A forum search led me to the page Getting Started w Bela > Test the SSH connection.
Following the instructions on the page in the point above, I configured the 'BeagleBone Black' in System Preferences > Network (setting the "Configure IP v4" field to "Using DHCP with manual address" and setting the IP address to
I also installed the HoRNDIS drivers, and these appeared to install successfully. I restarted the mac a couple of times in the process, and ran the commands:
sudo kextunload /Library/Extensions/HoRNDIS.kext
sudo kextload /Library/Extensions/HoRNDIS.kext
both ran successfully. However, in System Preferences > Network, the BeagleBone Black continues to come up as 'not connected'.
In between and after all of these steps, I connected the Bela using the steps reccomended in Manage your SD card > Booting problems > Option 3. The result continues to be the same: The disk image comes up (when i power up holding the BBB 'user boot' button), but I can't connect to the IDE.
I've also tried establishing an SSH connection to the BBB via the terminal, using the command:
$ ssh root@
but it always comes back as:
ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out
Finally, as advised, I ran 'ifconfig' in the terminal. I have no idea how to read the data that's come back (i'm not used to terminal), but there is no reference to either the address or
I believe I've hit a wall, as in Manage your SD card > Booting problems > Common Steps, it only gives the option 'check that you can load the Bela IDE'. However, I'm not able to, nor able I able to SSH into the board.
Can you help? Thank you!