I have an external that seems to have compiled ok, but doesn't seem to be functioning properly on the Bela. It works fine on all other systems - I've tested it on OSX, Windows 10, and Ubuntu. For some reason, I can't get proper values when I run it on the Bela. I'm wondering if I could send you the files and have you double check them. I totally understand if this is a pain, though. In case it's not and you have a spare moment... The object does a cross correlation on two audio signals and writes the result to an array (first outlet), as well as provides the index from the center of the array (second outlet), and gives the peak value (third outlet). The first two inlets are for the audio signal, and the third is for a calibration input (which doesn't seem to be working, hence the expr~ object). Here is a link to all the necessary files to compile and run if you do have the inclination: