- Edited
Just saying that today, besides reaching the target of our second Kickstarter campaign within 2 hours from its launch, we also reached 1000 threads on this forum (this one is number 1001).
Some stats and charts just for the fun.
Top conversation openers:
- @thetechnobear 38
- @nuromantix 33
- @giuliomoro 18
- @lokki 18
In terms of individual comments, we are at about 8385 (8386 with this one, I think). Top posters:
- @giuliomoro 2983 (UOPS)
- @AndyCap 317
- @thetechnobear 292
- @ryjobil 219
As for more general stats, we have:
- 591 activated users
- of which :
- 157 lurkers (0 comments)
- 332 with 0 < comments <= 10
- 46 with 10 < comments <= 20
- 14 with more than 50 comments