Just saying that today, besides reaching the target of our second Kickstarter campaign within 2 hours from its launch, we also reached 1000 threads on this forum (this one is number 1001).

Some stats and charts just for the fun.
Top conversation openers:

  1. @thetechnobear 38
  2. @nuromantix 33
  3. @giuliomoro 18
  4. @lokki 18

In terms of individual comments, we are at about 8385 (8386 with this one, I think). Top posters:

  1. @giuliomoro 2983 (UOPS)
  2. @AndyCap 317
  3. @thetechnobear 292
  4. @ryjobil 219

As for more general stats, we have:

  • 591 activated users
  • of which :
    • 157 lurkers (0 comments)
    • 332 with 0 < comments <= 10
    • 46 with 10 < comments <= 20
    • 14 with more than 50 comments

I'd like to say that what you guys have done with Bela/etc is extremely impressive, also the interest you have in your creations is obvious from the time you spend helping users out on this forum.

I'm very interested to see how things pan out with the BB AI and Bela and anything else you have up your sleeves.

Good job 😉