a little project I showed at superbooth 🙂

I really like bela (http://bela.io) for this kind of thing since it outputs 0..5v, so basically all I did for this was to create a small board that interfaced the right pins of the bela, onto a ribbon cable connector, then a small ae module with a ribbon connector to expose the pins to ae - simple and effective.
bela is too big to put in the rack, so need a 'tidy' way to have it connected.

( of course, I also had to write the software to talk to the eigenharp pico , which took a while 😉 )

looks great! I seem to remember a post from you a while back about this project. Good to see it completed! Is the code available anywhere?

The "Eurorack specs" (or the closest thing to them available, recommend 0 ohms for CV outs used to control pitch. On the Bela cape there are 220ohm resistors in series with the analog outputs, in order to protect them in case of short-circuits. I am wondering if this was ever a problem for you, e.g.: did you notice pitch changes when doing a fan-out to control multiple modules from the same analog out?

On Pepper there will be space for an extra resistor in series (suggested value of 750 ohm), in order to protect also against the larger voltages available on Eurorack, in case someone plugs another module's output into Pepper's output. This could make things a bit worse, but it's the most convenient way of safeguarding the Bela cape (alternatives with clamp Zener diodes would be more bulky, and there is not much space left)!

yeah, all my stuff is on GitHub, I must try to remember to put links on video descriptions etc !

the stuff for the Eigenharp is here (you can see a sub project for bela)

(Ive a similar project for the soundplane work, which is a bit more advanced ... need to still do a demo of that on Salt!)

pitch tracking, its an interesting point...
I was only taking a single pitch output to one pitch input, so didn't notice any issues.

I'll try to test it at some point, on eurorack I always assume that if you fan out a pitchcv it needs to go via a buffered multiple - wont this make it 'appear' like its a single output, so prevent the issue?
but its an interesting point for AE, as currently they dont offer a buffered mult!

yeah, Ive not added protection on the AE modular interface since its fixed at 0..5v. and as im not using 3.5mm jack theres not possibility for me to 'forget' and plug eurorack into it 😉

    thetechnobear I'll try to test it at some point, on eurorack I always assume that if you fan out a pitchcv it needs to go via a buffered multiple - wont this make it 'appear' like its a single output, so prevent the issue?


    thetechnobear yeah, Ive not added protection on the AE modular interface since its fixed at 0..5v. and as im not using 3.5mm jack theres not possibility for me to 'forget' and plug eurorack into it

    sure! You are not going to have troubles there.