First, thanks for a fun little product with good examples and a super easy setup. The examples provided make getting up and running really easy and you guys have done a great job for your launch. That's not always my experience with these congrats!
I'm planning to make a hybrid synth using hardware controls to interface a software Karplus-Strong generator + effects.
I need to use ~32 knobs so obviously I'm going to multiplex the analog inputs but I'd like to inquire about current draw on the 3.3v supply before I choose my pot values. If my basic EE skills haven't dulled too much, having 32 x 10k Ohm pots feeding off the supply should present an equivalent 312 Ohm load so only draw about 10 mA. Add on a few biased switches and LEDs and that will probably go up, but not over 100mA I think.
What's the maximum current draw from one of the 3.3v supply pins? I can look the values for the Beagle, but I assume your cape takes some of that so you might know what's left... I really don't want to fry this thing.