Hello, it's been a while since I've posted here. I was an early backer of the Kickstarter campaign so my unit has been gathering dust for a few years... :-(

I finally got around to finishing my synth so I thought I'd show it off.

It's based on a software synth I designed for a mobile music app called Caustic. It uses twin Karplus-Strong units to produce a variety of expressive sounds. On top of that I've brought over code for a few stereo effects and an arpeggiator to make it even more interesting. I don't show it on the video but I've also made use of the audio input jack to provide effects routing for externals synths. The Bela handles it all without issues.

The goal of the build was mostly to give my software synth hardware controls. 32 analog inputs are multiplexed in (4x8) using a small IO board and scanned every 5ms. There are also a few IOs used for LEDs and switches, as well as a 1602 panel that communicates via I2C (can't really see it on the video, sorry). I can post a picture of the horrible spaghetti that is my wiring if anyone's interested in having a laugh.

Thanks to the Bela team for a great product.