• Triggering sound file in Supercollider

Hello, I am new here. I am just wondering how to save the sound file in SD card, so that supercollider could play the file. I saw there is an example that plays a sound file 'a11wlk01.wav' located in 'sounds' file. How could I upload or save my file in the SD card for this purpose? Thanks very much.

if the file is not too long then you can copy it over just by dragging it on the Bela IDE window. This will place it in the current project's folder. If you need to access this with an absolute path, it will be /root/Bela/projects/YourProjectName/yourFileName.wav. If the file is fairly large, then the IDE is not really suitable for that (I mean, it will work, but it could take a veeeery looong time). In that case, you shall use the following command from a terminal:

scp /path/to/yourFileName.wav root@

you can also use this command to copy it to an arbitrary path instead of the current Bela project (e.g.: in case you want to keep a folder with files to be accessed by multiple projects). In this case, make sure you first create the destination folder:

ssh root@ mkdir -p /pah/to/your/folder

You will have to replace:
- YourProjectName with the name of the Bela project
- yourFileName.wav with the name of your file
- /path/to/ with the path (absolute or relative) it takes to get to the file on your computer