Hi everyone,

This is my first post after a few days assembling and configuring the D-Box.

Besides from many questions (which I'll pose in separate threads) I have come across the following problem and I can't find a solution to it.

When trying to compile the D-Boz project I get the following error at the IDE:

Failed to set TouchKey in "Centroid Mode"
control cannot start
Bela stopped
make: *** [runide] Error 255

Any ideas?

Best Regards!


Hi Pere,

The message means that the board cannot communicate with one or both of the touch sensors on the top of the D-Box. First, make sure the touch sensor cable is connected properly to the board (it's the 4-pin one with black/red/yellow/green wires) and to both touch sensors. Especially make sure that it is not inserted the wrong way around or off by one row in either of the sensors.

If that doesn't solve it, you can go to the terminal at the bottom of the IDE (click where it says root@bela ~/Bela#) and type:

i2cdetect -y -r 1

This will list the connected I2C devices. If the sensors are connected, they should show up as 18 and 19. If you see nothing, or if it takes a very long time to print anything, then check the I2C cable connections again, and maybe try each sensor individually to see where the problem is coming from.

Hi Andrew!

Yep! That was it!

Even though I had double-checked (and triple-checked) the connections, the one between the FSRs was off by one row. I had to unscrew the top plate to realize that!

Thanks a lot.

I'm looking forward to any workshops on Bela or D-Box. Lots to learn here 🙂