setting up a pd patch for the bela, everything working fine. Connecting a button to control the patch, and nothing is coming through. Tested out the example here: https://learn.bela.io/tutorials/pure-data/connecting/digital-input/ I have put up a print just to check if the button is coming through on the bela, nothing.

Have wired the button (and LED) as per the schematic in the above link, but nothing. Tried using different pins on the bela, and change the input in the pd-patc,h but nothing helps. Can anyone point to what I'm doing wrong?

I have used three different breadboards, five different switches and different jumpers, just to check is something might not be working...

That's it in the screenshot, reduced it in order to troubleshoot. Added print to see if anything comes though in the console, which is it does not.
Checked the print function with a different patch, and it print to the console no problem.

Ok sorry I hadn't seen the images the first time around because I was on a slow connection.

Try connecting p9.14 to 3.3v directly without button or resistor, try a couple different jumper wires .
Does that work?

Well, tried many different jumper cables and no luck.
In desperation, I disconnected the belaboard from the beagle, gave it some compressed air, reconnected - and it works. Not what I expected, but hey...

oh ok that's unexpected ... who knows what else got in there that was preventing it from making good contact ... well, that's ... sorted? Maybe next time we can try a different pin first and that may help dissipate some doubts.