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  • Bela Kit does not work after removing the Bela cape

Hi All,

I’m having some issues with my kit.
I briefly used the Beagle Bone Black with the cape off, and when I connected it back with the cape, my laptop disconnected from the device and reconnected, maintaining an unstable connection.

This is not happening if I use beaglboneblack only
And thus I cannot open the Bela ide as well.

I have not made any changes to the beaglebone's EMMC

I have tried to reflash a new SD Card with the latest Bela software and it didn't give any positive results.
I am still unable to use the IDE.

Please help me resolve the issue, it has halted my learning for a while🙂
Happy to return the cape or the kit entirely for fixing or kindly suggest if I can try anything different


Many thanks,

Does it work OK if you remove the cape again ?

Yeah, when I removed the cape and flashed the SD card with a beagleboneblack Debian image, it would work. I could simply log in via Teraterm.

Many thanks,

Can you try booting the Bela image without a cape? What happens then?