Hi! Trying to run an old Bela image (v0.2.0a) with my new MacBook (sequoia). BELABOOT is recognized in the finder but can't load the IDE via or Bela.local.

Also tried installing the drivers but getting an "This package is incompatible with this version of macOS" error.

Did read in the network setup guide that "for this to work on macos Catalina (10.15) and above, your Bela needs to be running image v0.3.8 or above."

Is there really no way I can use this old Bela image with my new computer?


You can try to connect it to via ethernet to your home router and then access it at http://bela.local/ from a computer that's connected (even via wifi) to the same network. If bela.local doesn't work, go to your router's admin page and see if you can figure out its IP address from there.
You should also be able to access it via a virtual serial port via USB: do ls /dev/tty.* and see what interfaces show up. If there's one that resembles Bela (something like /dev/tty.usbmodem*bela*), then you can connect to it via screen /dev/tty.usbmodem*bela* then hit enter and type root and enter again. If that works, you'll be logged in to the board in this terminal, through this serial connection you won't be able to load the IDE or have network access to the board, but you can use it, e.g.:

  • in case you are connected via ethernet and cannot figure out the IP address by other means, see what's the address of eth0 when you run ifconfig
  • if all you had to do was to exfiltrate some files that you needed to recover, you can use cat /root/Bela/projects/myproject/myfile.cpp to display it on the console and copy it out.

You can also flash a more modern image on an SD card and insert it on the board to boot from it. If the old image is on the eMMC, then once you boot and access it you can mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /mnt and browse to /mnt/root/Bela/projects to access your projects on the eMMC. If the old image is on the SD card, you'll have to first boot from the new SD card, then copy the image to the eMMC, then boot from the eMMC without SD card, then plug in the SD card you want to get data from, then mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 /mnt and browse to /mnt/root/Bela/projects to access your projects on the SD card.

All of this of course only makes sense if what you need is to recover some data from the old image. If you just want to use Bela, flash a v0.3.8h image and use that.